Scrapple Air Fryer Recipe: A Delicious Twist On A Classic Dish

scrapple air fryer recipe

Scrapple, a popular breakfast meat in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, is a delightful and savory combination of pork meat, broth, cornmeal, and spices. This humble dish has a rich history that traces back to German and Pennsylvania Dutch traditions. Over the years, scrapple has won over countless taste buds with its hearty and flavorful characteristics.

In today’s culinary world, innovation knows no bounds. As air fryers have become a kitchen staple, it’s time to explore how this fantastic appliance can enhance the scrapple experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the food science behind scrapple, culinary details, tips on selection, cleaning, preparation, exciting variations, essential doneness checks, and, of course, a delectable scrapple air fryer recipe that will leave you craving more. So, grab your apron and let’s get started!

Food Science: The Perfect Harmony of Flavors and Textures

To truly appreciate scrapple, it’s essential to understand the science behind its creation. Scrapple is a harmonious blend of pork meat, broth, cornmeal, and spices, which come together to create a delightful combination of flavors and textures.

The pork meat, usually derived from the head, jowls, and trimmings, contributes to the meaty essence of scrapple. With its high protein content, pork meat ensures a satisfying and filling breakfast option.

Broth, often prepared by simmering pork bones and vegetables, adds moisture and depth of flavor to the scrapple mixture. It also imparts a gelatinous quality, enhancing the texture and binding the ingredients together.

Cornmeal, a key component of scrapple, brings substance and structure to the dish. Derived from dried and ground corn kernels, it provides a slight graininess while letting the other flavors shine.

A delicate balance of spices such as thyme, sage, black pepper, and nutmeg elevates the taste profile. These seasonings bring out the inherent porky goodness and add a touch of warmth to each bite.

Selection: Choosing the Prime Ingredients

When it comes to making scrapple, the quality of ingredients cannot be compromised. After all, it is the ingredients that differentiate a good scrapple from an extraordinary one.

Pork Meat:

Selecting the right cut of pork meat is crucial to achieve scrapple perfection. Look for well-marbled meat, such as pork shoulder or jowl, as it ensures juicy and flavorful scrapple. If possible, opt for organic or locally-raised pork, which often results in superior taste and quality.


The cornmeal you choose will profoundly impact the texture and taste of your scrapple. Stone-ground cornmeal, with its rustic quality, is an excellent choice for authentic scrapple. Its coarser texture imparts a pleasant crunch, making every bite a delightful experience.

Seasonings and Spices:

The seasonings and spices for scrapple vary according to personal preferences, but a classic blend of thyme, sage, black pepper, and nutmeg never fails to impress. Ensure they are fresh and high-quality to achieve the desired flavor profile.

Cleaning and Preparation: A Prerequisite for Culinary Success


Before embarking on your scrapple air fryer adventure, it’s essential to have a clean and well-prepared workspace. Proper cleaning and organization set the tone for a successful culinary endeavor.

Cleaning the Air Fryer:

Thoroughly clean your air fryer by removing any remnants from previous cooking sessions. Use warm, soapy water and a soft sponge to get rid of any stuck-on grease or food particles. Rinse and dry all the components meticulously before proceeding.

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  1. Gather all the necessary ingredients, including pork meat, cornmeal, broth, and spices, in exact quantities as per the recipe.

  2. Ensure your cutting board, knives, and other utensils are cleaned and readily accessible.

  3. Pre-heat your air fryer to the recommended temperature for cooking scrapple.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Scrapple Air Frying

While making scrapple in an air fryer is a fairly straightforward process, a few tips and tricks can elevate your scrapple to new heights of culinary excellence.

  1. Enhance Flavor with Broth Reduction: Consider simmering your broth for an extended period, reducing it to concentrate flavors. This intensified broth will add a rich taste to your scrapple.

  2. Experiment with Spices: Don’t be afraid to tweak the classic spice blend. Add a pinch of paprika for a smoky kick or cayenne pepper for a touch of heat. Let your taste buds be your guide.

  3. Incorporate Aromatics: Add depth and complexity to your scrapple by including aromatic vegetables such as onions, garlic, or even finely chopped herbs like parsley or cilantro.

  4. Vary the Meat: While traditional scrapple mainly uses pork, don’t hesitate to explore flavor combinations by incorporating other meats like turkey, chicken, or even vegetarian substitutes like tofu or mushrooms.

  5. Play with Texture: For a delightful texture contrast, consider adding small diced bits of cooked bacon or sausage to your scrapple mixture.

Scrapple Air Fryer Recipe: A Crispy Twist on Tradition

Get ready to embrace the magic of air frying with this scrumptious scrapple recipe that brings crispy perfection to this classic dish. This recipe yields approximately eight servings, ensuring there’s plenty to share, or savor leftovers for later enjoyment.


  • 1 pound of well-marbled pork shoulder, jowl, or a combination
  • 4 cups of pork or chicken broth
  • 2 cups of stone-ground cornmeal
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon of dried sage
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • Salt, to taste
  • Cooking spray or oil for air frying


  1. In a large pot, bring the broth to a boil. Add the pork meat and simmer until fork-tender, approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. Remove the cooked meat from the pot, reserving the broth. Let the meat cool slightly, then finely shred it using two forks or a food processor.

  2. Return the shredded meat to the pot with the reserved broth. Bring the mixture back to a simmer and gradually whisk in the cornmeal. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens, similar to polenta. This process should take around 10-15 minutes.

  3. Reduce the heat to low, incorporating the thyme, sage, black pepper, nutmeg, and salt to taste. Stir well to ensure even distribution of the spices.

  4. Grease a rectangular baking dish with cooking spray or oil. Transfer the scrapple mixture into the dish, smoothing the surface with a spatula. Allow it to cool for several minutes before covering it with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight, allowing the scrapple to firm up.

  5. Preheat your air fryer to 380°F (193°C). Remove the chilled scrapple from the refrigerator and slice it into desired thickness, typically around 1/2 inch.

  6. Lightly spray or brush oil on the air fryer basket or tray to prevent sticking. Arrange the scrapple slices in a single layer, ensuring they do not overlap. Air fry for about 10 minutes, flipping halfway through the cooking time.

  7. As the cooking time may vary depending on the air fryer model and desired crispness, it is important to frequently check for doneness. Ensure the scrapple pieces are crispy and golden brown on the outside while remaining moist and tender within.

  8. Once cooked to your preferred level of crispness, transfer the scrapple slices to a serving platter lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil. Serve hot and enjoy the delectable scrapple air fryer experience!

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Doneness Check: Perfecting the Crispy Scrapple Texture

close up view of air fried scrapple

Determining the doneness of your scrapple is crucial to achieve that irresistible combination of crispiness and tenderness. Follow these simple guidelines to ensure scrapple perfection.

  1. Visual Inspection: Check for a golden-brown color on the outside of the scrapple slices. A slightly darker hue indicates a crispier texture.

  2. Texture Test: The scrapple should be firm and hold its shape when touched, while still maintaining a moist and tender interior.

  3. Crispness: Bite into the scrapple to assess its texture. It should offer a satisfying crunch, similar to well-browned hash browns.

Remember that cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the slices, individual air fryer models, and personal preferences. Experimentation and practice will help you master the art of achieving your desired scrapple texture.

Exciting Variations to Tantalize Your Taste Buds

While the classic scrapple recipe is undeniably delightful, there’s always room for culinary experimentation. Here are a few exciting variations to take your scrapple air fryer experience to the next level:

  1. Apple Cinnamon Scrapple: Add a touch of sweetness to your scrapple by incorporating grated fresh apple and a sprinkle of cinnamon. This variation pairs exceptionally well with a dollop of maple syrup on top.

  2. Cheesy Scrapple: Enhance the richness and flavor by adding shredded cheddar, Gouda, or Swiss cheese to the scrapple mixture. The melted cheese brings a gooey goodness that perfectly complements the crispy exterior.

  3. Spicy Scrapple: Satisfy your craving for a little heat by mixing in finely diced jalapenos or a dash of hot sauce to the scrapple mixture. This variation adds a fiery kick that is sure to awaken your taste buds.

  4. Herbaceous Scrapple: Elevate the scrapple experience by incorporating fresh herbs like tarragon, rosemary, or basil into the mixture. These vibrant flavors offer a fragrant and aromatic twist to the classic recipe.

Feel free to experiment with these variations or create your own culinary concoctions. The possibilities are endless!

Cleaning Up: Tidying Your Air Fryer for Future Culinary Adventures

Once you’ve relished the scrapple feast, it’s essential to clean your air fryer thoroughly. Failing to do so can compromise the taste and integrity of future recipes. Follow these simple steps to keep your air fryer in top condition:

  1. Allow the air fryer to cool down completely before cleaning.

  2. Remove all removable parts, such as the basket or tray, and wash them thoroughly in warm, soapy water. Using a non-abrasive sponge or cloth, gently scrub away any residue or food particles.

  3. Wipe down the interior and exterior of the air fryer with a damp cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners to prevent damage to the non-stick coating.

  4. Dry all components meticulously before reassembling the air fryer.

  5. Store your air fryer in a safe and convenient location, ensuring it is free from moisture and dust.

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With regular cleaning and proper maintenance, your air fryer will be ready for many more culinary adventures, including future scrapple delights.

Conclusion: A Scrumptious Adventure Awaits

Scrapple is not just a humble breakfast dish; it’s an experience that encapsulates the rich history and diverse flavors of the Mid-Atlantic region. By exploring the scrapple air fryer recipe and accompanying culinary knowledge, you’ve taken a step into the world of delightful innovation and taste.

From understanding the food science behind scrapple to selecting prime ingredients, cleaning, and preparing the perfect air fryer, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge needed to embark on your scrapple air frying adventure. Remember, experimentation is key, so don’t hold back from exploring exciting variations and perfecting your preferred scrapple texture.

With each crispy bite of your homemade scrapple, you’ll savor the unique flavor profile that’s been enjoyed for generations. So, fire up that air fryer, let the tantalizing aroma fill your kitchen, and get ready to surprise your taste buds with this scrumptious scrapple air fryer recipe. Enjoy!

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  • FAQS On Scrapple Air Fryer Recipe

    What Is Scrapple?

    Scrapple is a traditional American meat dish made from leftover pork scraps, cornmeal, and spices.

    How Do I Make Scrapple In An Air Fryer?

    To make scrapple in an air fryer, you will need to preheat your air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, place sliced scrapple in the air fryer basket and cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping halfway through.

    Can I Use Store-bought Scrapple For This Recipe?

    Yes, you can use store-bought scrapple for this recipe. Just make sure to slice it into thin pieces before cooking in the air fryer.

    Do I Need To Add Oil To The Air Fryer For The Scrapple?

    No, you do not need to add oil to the air fryer when cooking scrapple. The fat from the pork scraps will provide enough oil for cooking.

    How Do I Know When The Scrapple Is Cooked?

    You will know the scrapple is cooked when it is crispy and golden brown on the outside and has an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Can I Add Other Ingredients To The Scrapple For More Flavor?

    Yes, you can add other ingredients to the scrapple for more flavor. Some popular additions include diced onions, bell peppers, or diced apples.

    Can I Freeze Leftover Scrapple Cooked In The Air Fryer?

    Yes, you can freeze leftover scrapple cooked in the air fryer. Just make sure to let it cool completely before placing it in an airtight container or freezer bag. It can be reheated in the microwave or air fryer when ready to eat.