[FULL GUIDE] How To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Quesadillas are a delicious and versatile dish enjoyed by many. Whether you make them with cheese, vegetables, or meat, they are a go-to meal for a quick and satisfying bite. However, sometimes we end up with leftover quesadillas that we want to enjoy later. Reheating them can be a bit tricky as you don’t want them to become soggy or lose their crispiness. One popular way to reheat quesadillas is by using an air fryer. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the best practices for reheating quesadillas in an air fryer to ensure they come out just as delicious as when they were first made.

Quick Answer: How To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is a convenient and effective method to restore their crispy texture and gooey, melty fillings. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Set the air fryer to the appropriate temperature for reheating (more on this later) and let it preheat for a few minutes.

  2. Prepare the quesadillas: If your quesadillas are refrigerated, allow them to come to room temperature before reheating. This helps ensure even reheating.

  3. Reheat in the air fryer: Place the quesadillas in the air fryer basket in a single layer, without overcrowding. This allows for even air circulation and thorough reheating.

  4. Adjust time and temperature: Set the air fryer to the recommended temperature and cooking time (we will discuss this in detail in the following sections).

  5. Monitor the process: Keep an eye on the quesadillas as they reheat, checking periodically to ensure they don’t become overly crisp or dry.

  6. Enjoy your reheated quesadillas: Once they are heated through, remove the quesadillas from the air fryer, let them cool for a minute, and then savor the delicious, revitalized treat.

When Not To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

While using an air fryer is a fantastic method for reheating quesadillas, there are certain situations where this may not be the best approach. Consider these factors before proceeding with reheating in an air fryer:

  1. Moist or delicate fillings: If the quesadillas have fillings that may release a lot of moisture, such as fresh tomatoes or salsa, or fragile ingredients like leafy greens, you might want to reconsider using the air fryer. The intense dry heat can quickly turn these fillings soggy or even dehydrate them.

  2. Very thin or delicate tortillas: Extremely thin or delicate tortillas may become overly crisp or even burn in the air fryer due to the high heat and rapid air circulation. In such cases, alternate reheating methods like using a skillet or oven may be more suitable.

  3. Large quantities: If you have a large batch of quesadillas to reheat, it’s essential to ensure they are arranged in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Overcrowding can lead to uneven reheating, and you might need to work in batches to achieve the desired results.

Best Temperature To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Selecting the right temperature for reheating quesadillas is crucial in achieving the perfect balance of crispy exterior and gooey interior. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended temperatures based on the type of quesadilla and its fillings:

  1. Cheese and Vegetable Quesadillas: For quesadillas filled with cheese and vegetables, a moderate temperature of around 350°F (175°C) works well. This allows the cheese to melt evenly without the risk of burning.

  2. Meat-filled Quesadillas: When reheating quesadillas containing meat, a slightly higher temperature of 375°F (190°C) is recommended. This helps ensure that the meat reaches a safe internal temperature without overcooking the tortilla.

  3. Adjusting for Thickness: If your quesadillas are particularly thick, you may need to reduce the temperature slightly to around 325°F (160°C) to allow for thorough reheating without excessively browning the exterior.

  4. Consider Air Fryer Model: It’s important to note that individual air fryer models may vary slightly in their heating patterns. It may be beneficial to experiment with a test quesadilla to determine the most effective temperature setting for your specific appliance.

Best Cooking Time To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Determining the ideal cooking time for reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is dependent on several factors, including the type of filling, the initial temperature of the quesadillas, and their thickness. Here’s a general guide for reheating times, which can be adjusted based on your specific quesadilla and air fryer model:

  1. Cheese and Vegetable Quesadillas: Reheat at 350°F (175°C) for 3-4 minutes, flipping halfway through, or until the cheese is melted, and the tortilla is crispy.

  2. Meat-filled Quesadillas: Reheat at 375°F (190°C) for 4-5 minutes, flipping halfway through, ensuring the internal temperature of the meat reaches at least 165°F (74°C).

  3. Grilled or Thick Quesadillas: If the quesadillas are particularly thick or crispy, you may reduce the temperature to 325°F (160°C) and extend the reheating time to 5-6 minutes, flipping as needed to achieve even heating.

  4. Room Temperature Quesadillas: If your quesadillas have been brought to room temperature before reheating, they may require slightly less time than those straight from the refrigerator. Adjust the cooking duration accordingly, starting with a shorter reheating time and checking for doneness.

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is a convenient and effective way to revive leftovers, ensuring they retain their delicious flavors and textures. By following the recommended temperatures and cooking times, you can savor perfectly reheated quesadillas that are crispy on the outside and oozing with delightful fillings. However, it’s important to consider the nature of the fillings and tortillas when deciding whether the air fryer is the best option for reheating. With a bit of attention to detail and the right settings, your air fryer can become an invaluable tool for enjoying leftover quesadillas with minimal effort and maximum satisfaction.

How To Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Quesadillas are a popular Mexican dish that consists of tortillas filled with delicious ingredients such as cheese, meat, vegetables, and spices. They are often enjoyed fresh and hot, but what do you do when you have leftovers? Reheating quesadillas can be a bit tricky, as you don’t want them to become soggy or lose their crispiness. One effective method for reheating quesadillas and maintaining their texture is by using an air fryer.

Air fryers are countertop appliances that use hot air to cook food. They have gained popularity due to their ability to crisp up food without the need for excessive oil. The air fryer is a versatile tool that can also effectively reheat various dishes, including quesadillas.

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Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is a fairly simple process. Here are the step-by-step instructions to ensure a perfect result:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to 350°F (175°C). This will ensure that the quesadillas cook evenly and quickly.

  2. Prepare the quesadillas: Take your leftover quesadillas out of the refrigerator and arrange them on a clean plate. If the quesadillas have been stored with any additional toppings such as salsa or guacamole, remove them as heat can cause them to become runny or lose their freshness.

  3. Cut the quesadillas into smaller pieces: Cutting the quesadillas into smaller pieces allows for better airflow and even reheating. It also makes it easier to fit the quesadillas into the air fryer basket.

  4. Place the quesadillas in the air fryer: Open the air fryer basket and place the quesadilla slices inside. Make sure to leave some space between the slices to allow the hot air to circulate properly.

  5. Reheat the quesadillas: Close the air fryer basket and set the timer for around 3-4 minutes. Reheating time may vary depending on the thickness of the quesadillas and your desired level of crispiness. It is a good practice to check on the quesadillas halfway through cooking to ensure they are not burning.

  6. Flip the quesadillas: After the initial reheating time, flip the quesadillas using a pair of tongs or a spatula. This will help to evenly heat both sides of the quesadillas and ensure they reach the desired crispness.

  7. Continue reheating: Close the air fryer basket and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes, or until the quesadillas are heated through and crispy to your liking.

  8. Serve and enjoy: Once the quesadillas are reheated, carefully remove them from the air fryer with tongs or a spatula. Serve them hot and enjoy!

Should I Reheat Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Deciding whether or not to reheat quesadillas in an air fryer depends on personal preference and the desired outcome. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Texture: Air fryers excel at crisping up food, which can be a desirable trait when it comes to reheating quesadillas. If you want your leftovers to have a crispy texture, using an air fryer is a great option. However, if you prefer a softer texture, reheating the quesadillas in the microwave or on a stovetop might be more suitable.

  2. Convenience: Air fryers are convenient appliances that allow you to reheat food quickly and without needing to monitor it constantly. If you’re looking for a hassle-free method that doesn’t require much effort, using an air fryer is an excellent choice.

  3. Quantity: Air fryers come in various sizes, so if you have a large quantity of quesadillas to reheat, ensure that your air fryer has enough capacity. Reheating quesadillas in batches may take longer and potentially result in uneven heating.

Ultimately, the decision to reheat quesadillas in an air fryer boils down to personal preference. If you enjoy a crispy texture and appreciate the convenience of an air fryer, it’s worth giving this method a try.

Best Ways To Reheat Quesadillas

While air frying is an excellent method to reheat quesadillas, there are other alternatives you can explore depending on your preferences and the equipment you have at hand. Here are some of the best ways to reheat quesadillas:

  1. Air Fryer: As discussed earlier, the air fryer is an excellent option for reheating quesadillas. It provides a crispy texture and requires minimal effort.

  2. Oven: If you don’t have an air fryer, the oven can be a great alternative. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), place the quesadillas on a baking sheet, and bake for approximately 10-15 minutes or until heated through and crispy.

  3. Stovetop: Reheating quesadillas on a stovetop works well if you prefer a softer texture. Heat a skillet or frying pan over medium heat, add a small amount of butter or oil, and place the quesadillas in the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side or until heated through.

  4. Microwave: The microwave is the quickest method for reheating quesadillas. However, it may result in a softer texture. Place the quesadillas on a microwave-safe plate and heat on high for 30-second intervals until heated to your liking.

These methods offer varying degrees of texture and convenience, so choose the one that suits your preferences and the time you have available.

What Reheating In Air Fryer Does To The Quesadillas

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer produces distinct effects on their texture, taste, and overall quality. Here’s what you can expect when reheating quesadillas in an air fryer:

  1. Crispy Texture: One of the biggest advantages of reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is the ability to achieve a crispy texture. The hot air circulating in the air fryer helps to revive the crunchiness that may have been lost in the initial cooking or refrigeration process. The result is a satisfyingly crispy exterior while keeping the filling moist and flavorful.

  2. Even Heating: Air fryers provide even and consistent heat distribution, ensuring that the quesadillas are thoroughly reheated from edge to edge. This eliminates the risk of cold spots or unevenly reheated areas, which can occur when using other reheating methods.

  3. Retained Moisture: Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer helps to retain the moisture in the filling while crisping up the tortilla. This is especially beneficial if your quesadillas contain ingredients that tend to dry out easily, such as chicken or lean meats.

  4. Enhanced Flavors: The high heat of the air fryer can help intensify the flavors in the quesadillas. It provides an opportunity for the spices and seasonings to bloom, resulting in a more robust taste compared to other reheating methods.

  5. Reduced Sogginess: One common issue when reheating quesadillas is the risk of sogginess. However, by using an air fryer, this problem is minimized. The hot air quickly evaporates any moisture, preventing the quesadillas from becoming soggy or losing their crispiness.

Overall, reheating quesadillas in an air fryer can lead to a delicious result with a crispy texture, enhanced flavors, and thorough heating.

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer offers a convenient and efficient method to bring your leftovers back to life. With its ability to provide a crispy texture, even heating, and enhanced flavors, the air fryer is a valuable tool for reheating quesadillas.

By following the simple steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently reheat your quesadillas in an air fryer, knowing that they will retain their deliciousness and satisfy your cravings for a hot and crispy meal.

However, don't forget that there are other viable methods such as using an oven, stovetop, or microwave to reheat quesadillas, each offering different textures and levels of convenience. Choose the method that aligns with your preferences and the equipment you have available.

So the next time you have leftover quesadillas, consider using your air fryer to rejuvenate them and enjoy a tasty and satisfying meal without any compromise in quality.

Can You Restore The Initial Quality Of Quesadillas?

Quesadillas are a delicious and versatile Mexican dish made with tortillas filled with cheese and various other ingredients like meat, vegetables, or beans. They are great for a quick lunch, dinner, or even as a snack. However, sometimes we make more quesadillas than we can eat, and we are left wondering how to reheat them without compromising their taste and texture.

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One method that has gained popularity for reheating quesadillas is using an air fryer. Air fryers are countertop appliances that use hot air circulation to cook food, resulting in a crispy exterior and tender interior.

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer can be a great way to restore their initial quality, especially when compared to other reheating methods like microwaving or using a stovetop. The hot air circulation in an air fryer helps to create a crispy exterior, similar to how the quesadilla would have been when freshly cooked. Additionally, the high temperature of the air fryer helps to reheat the quesadilla evenly, ensuring that it is hot all the way through.

One important factor to consider when reheating quesadillas is the type of fillings used. If your quesadilla contains ingredients that can become soggy when reheated, such as fresh tomatoes or lettuce, it may impact the overall quality of the reheated quesadilla. In such cases, it is best to remove these ingredients before reheating and add them fresh after reheating. This way, you can enjoy the same delicious flavors without compromising on texture.

Tips For Optimal Reheating Results

To achieve the best reheating results for your quesadillas in an air fryer, follow these tips:

1. Preheat The Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer before reheating quesadillas is essential to ensure even cooking and a crispy exterior. Most air fryers have a preheat function, so consult your appliance’s manual to determine the appropriate temperature and time for preheating.

2. Use A Light Coating Of Oil

To enhance the crispiness of the quesadilla, lightly brush or spray the tortillas with oil before placing them in the air fryer. This will help achieve a golden and crunchy exterior similar to a freshly cooked quesadilla.

3. Separate The Quesadillas

When reheating multiple quesadillas, it is important to separate them to ensure even heating. Place them in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring that there is enough space for the hot air to circulate around each quesadilla.

4. Adjust Reheating Time And Temperature

The reheating time and temperature may vary depending on the size and thickness of the quesadillas. As a general guideline, start with a temperature of around 375°F (190°C) and reheating time of 3-5 minutes. Keep an eye on the quesadillas and adjust the time and temperature as needed to achieve the desired level of crispness and heat.

5. Flip The Quesadillas

After the initial half of the reheating time, flip the quesadillas to ensure that both sides are evenly heated and crispy. This step is crucial to avoid any undercooked or soggy sections in the reheated quesadillas.

6. Monitor The Reheating Process

Keep a close eye on the quesadillas while they are reheating to prevent them from overcooking or burning. The cooking time may vary depending on the air fryer model, so it is important to monitor the quesadillas closely.

7. Add Fresh Ingredients After Reheating

If your original quesadilla had fresh ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, or avocado, it is best to add them fresh after reheating. This will help maintain their freshness and texture, ensuring that the overall quality of the reheated quesadilla is not compromised.

Reheat Quesadillas More Than Once

Reheating food is generally safe when done properly, but caution must be taken when reheating quesadillas more than once. The more times food is reheated, the higher the risk of bacterial growth and foodborne illness. It is recommended to only reheat quesadillas once to ensure food safety.

If you have reheated more quesadillas than you can consume, it is best to store the remaining ones in the refrigerator and reheat them within 1-2 days. When reheating refrigerated quesadillas, make sure they are heated until steaming hot to kill any potential bacteria.

Avoid reheating quesadillas that have been left at room temperature for more than 2 hours, as this increases the risk of bacterial growth. It is best to discard any leftovers that have been left out for an extended period.

Safety Measures When Reheating Quesadillas

When reheating quesadillas in an air fryer or any other method, it is important to follow some safety measures to ensure the food is safe to eat:

1. Storage

Ensure that any leftover quesadillas are promptly refrigerated in an airtight container to prevent bacterial growth. Quesadillas should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 40°F (4°C) or below.

2. Reheating Temperature

When reheating quesadillas, the internal temperature should reach at least 165°F (74°C) to kill any bacteria that may be present. Use a food thermometer to ensure that the quesadillas are heated to a safe temperature.

3. Thawing Frozen Quesadillas

If you are reheating frozen quesadillas, it is important to thaw them thoroughly in the refrigerator before reheating. This will help ensure even reheating and prevent the quesadillas from drying out.

4. Avoiding Cross-Contamination

When reheating quesadillas, take care to avoid cross-contamination with other food items. Clean and sanitize all surfaces, utensils, and air fryer baskets that come into contact with the quesadillas to prevent the spread of bacteria.

5. Personal Hygiene

Maintain good personal hygiene while handling and reheating quesadillas. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling food to prevent the transfer of bacteria.

Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer can be a great way to restore their initial quality. The hot air circulation in an air fryer helps achieve a crispy exterior, similar to freshly cooked quesadillas. By following the tips mentioned in this article and taking necessary safety measures, you can achieve optimal reheating results and enjoy delicious and warm quesadillas. Remember to reheat quesadillas only once and refrigerate any leftovers promptly to ensure food safety. With these techniques, you can enjoy your favorite quesadillas even when they are reheated.

Adjusting Reheating Times

Quesadillas are a delicious Mexican dish made up of a tortilla filled with cheese, meat, and vegetables. They are loved by many and can be enjoyed as a quick and easy meal or as a perfect appetizer for a dinner party. However, reheating quesadillas can be tricky, as the tortillas can become soggy or the cheese can become rubbery.

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Fortunately, an air fryer can be a great option for reheating quesadillas. It can help crisp up the tortilla and melt the cheese without making it greasy or burnt.

The ideal reheating time in an air fryer can vary depending on the type of quesadilla, its size, and the filling ingredients. Hence, there’s no one perfect time that works for all. However, we have a general guideline that you can use as a starting point. Adjust the time as per your preference or until the quesadilla is heated throughout.

If you are reheating a cheese quesadilla or a simple chicken quesadilla, preheat the air fryer to 350°F and reheat for three to four minutes on one side. Take a look and, if needed, reheat for another 30 seconds or so to get the perfect crispiness.

In case you have a larger quesadilla or one that contains more filling ingredients, reheat it at 375°F for four to five minutes. This will enable the entire quesadilla to get thoroughly heated, and the cheese will become gooey without any burnt parts.

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Air Fryer Reheating

While reheating quesadillas in an air fryer, you might encounter certain mistakes, which can result in a less-appetizing dish. To avoid making these mistakes, consider the pointers below.

1. Not Preheating The Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer is a crucial step in the reheating process. If the air fryer is not preheated, the quesadilla will not get heated uniformly. Additionally, it will need a longer time to reheat, resulting in overcooked or burnt tortillas.

2. Overcrowding The Air Fryer Basket

If you place too many quesadillas at once, it can cause crowding and prevent the air to circulate evenly. Thus, creating unevenly heated quesadillas. It’s crucial to ensure there is enough space in the air fryer basket so that the hot air can evenly circulate and reheat the quesadillas.

3. Not Using Spray Oil Or Parchment Paper

Using spray oil on the air fryer basket or parchment paper can help prevent the quesadillas from sticking to the basket. This also minimizes the amount of oil needed during the reheating process.

4. Reheating For Too Long

Reheating quesadillas for too long can cause excessive heat that can dry-out and burn out your meal. Hence, it’s essential to keep a check on your quesadillas when reheating them. If they require, you can reheat them a bit longer for culinary perfection.

Tips And Tricks To Reheating Quesadillas In Air Fryer

Apart from the basics, mentioned above mentioned below are a few tips and tricks to ensure you get the best reheated quesadillas out of your air fryer.

1. Place A Cup Of Water In The Basket With The Quesadilla

Placing a cup of water in the air fryer basket along with your quesadilla while reheating can help keep the tortilla soft and moist. The moisture from the water will help to prevent the quesadilla from drying out and getting too crispy.

2. Preheat The Quesadilla

Preheating the quesadillas in the microwave before transferring them to the air fryer can help reduce the reheating time. Moreover, it also ensures the cheese melts evenly throughout the quesadilla.

3. Cut Quesadillas Into Smaller Pieces

Reheating small pieces are easier than reheating an entire quesadilla. It also makes it easier to ensure that the fillings are heated evenly. Additionally, it also helps to reduce the reheating time.

4. Using Sauces Or Salsa After Reheating

Adding salsa or sauces right before you serve your reheated quesadillas can help freshen it up with added flavors. However, adding them before reheating may cause the tortilla to become soggy.


Reheating quesadillas in an air fryer is an amazing way to bring back their fresh, hot taste as if they’re freshly cooked. You can use this article as a guide to reheat quesadillas perfectly using your air fryer while minimizing the possibility of mistakes. Use the tips, adjust the timing as per your preferences and relish your reheated quesadillas without worrying whether they’ll meet their original deliciousness or not!


How Do I Reheat Quesadillas In An Air Fryer?

To reheat quesadillas in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 320°F. Place the quesadilla in the air fryer basket and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Can I Reheat Frozen Quesadillas In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat frozen quesadillas in an air fryer. However, you will need to adjust the cooking time to ensure they are heated all the way through.

Do I Need To Add Oil When Reheating Quesadillas In An Air Fryer?

No, you do not need to add oil when reheating quesadillas in an air fryer. The hot air circulating will crisp the tortilla without the need for added oil.

How Long Should I Reheat Quesadillas In An Air Fryer?

The cooking time for reheating quesadillas in an air fryer will vary depending on the size and thickness of the quesadilla. Generally, 3-4 minutes at 320°F will be sufficient.

Can I Reheat Leftover Quesadillas In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat leftover quesadillas in an air fryer. Just make sure to wrap them in foil before placing them in the air fryer to prevent them from getting too crispy.