[FULL GUIDE] How To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

Brisket is a flavorful and tender cut of meat that often requires careful reheating to maintain its juiciness and texture. Reheating brisket in an air fryer can be a great way to achieve the perfect balance of crispiness on the outside and moistness on the inside. The hot circulating air in the air fryer helps to reheat the brisket evenly and retains its moisture, resulting in a delicious and tender final product.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best practices for reheating brisket in an air fryer, including the ideal temperature, cooking time, and other crucial considerations to ensure a successful reheating process.

Quick Answer: How To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

Reheating brisket in an air fryer involves a few simple steps:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature (discussed in detail later).
  2. Place the brisket in the air fryer basket or on the air fryer tray in a single layer, ensuring that there is enough space for the hot air to circulate around the meat.
  3. Set the cooking time according to the thickness of the brisket and the desired level of warmth.
  4. Once the air fryer has finished reheating, carefully remove the brisket and allow it to rest for a few minutes before serving.

This quick answer provides a general overview of the reheating process, but to achieve the best results, it’s important to delve into more specific details.

When Not To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

While using an air fryer to reheat brisket is generally effective, there are certain situations when it might not be the best option. If the brisket is extremely dry or has been stored in the refrigerator for an extended period, an air fryer may not be the ideal choice for reheating. In these cases, traditional methods such as using a slow cooker or sous vide might be more suitable to reintroduce moisture into the meat.

Similarly, if the brisket has been frozen, it’s advisable to thaw it completely in the refrigerator before reheating in the air fryer. Reheating frozen brisket directly in the air fryer can result in uneven heating and might compromise the texture and flavor of the meat.

It’s also important to consider the type of air fryer being used. Different models and brands may have varying heating mechanisms and settings, so it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for reheating meat.

Best Temperature To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

The ideal temperature for reheating brisket in an air fryer typically ranges from 250°F to 300°F (121°C to 149°C). This moderate temperature allows the brisket to warm up evenly without drying out or becoming overcooked.

For thicker cuts of brisket, a slightly lower temperature in the range of 250°F (121°C) is recommended to ensure that the heat penetrates the meat without burning the exterior. Thinner slices of brisket may benefit from a slightly higher temperature around 275°F to 300°F (135°C to 149°C) to facilitate faster reheating while retaining moisture.

The circulation of hot air in the air fryer helps to maintain an even temperature throughout the cooking chamber, ensuring that the brisket reheats uniformly. It’s essential to avoid using excessively high temperatures, as this can lead to rapid evaporation of the brisket’s juices, resulting in dry and less flavorful meat.

Experimenting with different temperatures and taking note of the results can help determine the ideal reheating temperature based on individual preferences and the specific characteristics of the brisket being reheated.

Best Cooking Time To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

The cooking time for reheating brisket in an air fryer varies based on the thickness and initial temperature of the brisket, as well as the desired level of warmth. As a general guideline, the reheating process usually takes between 5 to 10 minutes, but it’s important to monitor the brisket closely during the process to prevent overcooking.

Thicker slices or larger portions of brisket may require a longer cooking time to ensure that the heat penetrates to the center of the meat. On the other hand, thinner slices or smaller portions may reheat more quickly, so it’s crucial to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

When reheating brisket in an air fryer, it’s recommended to check the internal temperature of the meat using a meat thermometer to ensure that it reaches a safe temperature of 165°F (74°C). This not only ensures food safety but also helps prevent overheating, which can lead to dry and tough brisket.

Additionally, flipping the brisket halfway through the reheating process can promote even heating and prevent any one side from becoming overly crispy. This simple step helps distribute the heat evenly and ensures that both sides of the brisket are heated uniformly.

Reheating brisket in an air fryer can be a convenient and effective method to revive leftover brisket while preserving its delicious flavor and tenderness. By following the recommended temperature, cooking time, and other essential tips outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can achieve perfectly reheated brisket that is juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside.

It's important to consider the specific characteristics of the brisket being reheated, such as its thickness and initial condition, and adjust the reheating process accordingly. While the air fryer provides an efficient way to reheat brisket, it's essential to be mindful of certain situations where alternative reheating methods might be more suitable.

With the right approach and attention to detail, reheating brisket in an air fryer can result in a delightful culinary experience that rivals freshly cooked brisket. Experimenting with different temperatures and cooking times can further refine the reheating process, allowing you to tailor the results to your specific preferences and enjoy delicious reheated brisket with ease.

How To Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

Brisket is a delicious and flavorful cut of meat that is a favorite among many people. Whether you smoked it, slow cooked it, or ordered it from your favorite barbecue joint, there’s a good chance you’ll have leftovers. But how do you reheat brisket without losing its tenderness and juiciness? One method that has gained popularity in recent years is reheating brisket in an air fryer.

Before we dive into the step-by-step process of reheating brisket in an air fryer, it’s important to note that each air fryer model may vary slightly. Therefore, we highly recommend consulting your air fryer’s user manual for specific instructions. With that said, here is a general guide on how to reheat brisket in an air fryer:

Preheat The Air Fryer

Start by preheating your air fryer to around 350°F (175°C). The preheating process will ensure that the brisket heats evenly and quickly.

Prepare The Brisket

While the air fryer is preheating, take your leftover brisket out of the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature. This will help prevent the meat from becoming dry during the reheating process. If your brisket has been tightly wrapped in foil or stored in an airtight container, it may be necessary to unwrap it to promote even heating.

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Cut The Brisket Into Slices

To ensure even reheating, it is recommended to cut the brisket into thick slices. This will help the heat penetrate evenly throughout the meat, preventing any cold spots.

Place The Brisket In The Air Fryer Basket

Once your air fryer has reached the desired temperature, carefully place the brisket slices into the air fryer basket. Be sure not to overcrowd the basket, as this may hinder proper airflow and result in uneven reheating.

Reheat The Brisket

Now it’s time to start reheating your brisket. Set the air fryer to a temperature of around 300°F (150°C) and cook for approximately 5-10 minutes, depending on your desired level of warmth. It’s important to keep a close eye on the brisket during this time to prevent it from overcooking and drying out.

Check For Doneness

After the initial reheating time, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the brisket. The internal temperature should reach around 165°F (74°C) to ensure it is thoroughly reheated and safe to eat. If the brisket is not yet at the desired temperature, continue cooking in 2-3 minute increments until it reaches the appropriate internal temperature.

Rest And Serve

Once the brisket has reached the desired temperature, carefully remove it from the air fryer and let it rest for a few minutes to allow the juices to redistribute. After this resting period, your reheated brisket is ready to be served and enjoyed.

Should I Reheat Brisket In Air Fryer

Now that you know how to reheat brisket in an air fryer, you may be wondering if it’s the best method for you. While the air fryer can be a convenient and efficient option for reheating brisket, it’s important to consider a few factors before deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

Texture And Moisture

When it comes to reheating brisket, maintaining its texture and moisture is crucial. One advantage of using an air fryer is that it helps retain the moisture in the meat while still providing a nice crispy exterior. The hot air circulating in the air fryer can help to re-crisp the bark of the brisket, giving it that coveted smoky flavor and texture.

Time And Efficiency

Air fryers are known for their quick cooking times and efficiency. Reheating brisket in an air fryer allows you to enjoy a warm and delicious meal in just a fraction of the time it would take using conventional methods such as the oven or stovetop. This can be particularly beneficial when you’re short on time or have limited access to kitchen appliances.

Equipment Availability

If you already own an air fryer, reheating brisket in it can be a convenient option. Owning multiple appliances for reheating food might not be practical for everyone, and an air fryer can serve multiple purposes in the kitchen.

Quantity And Portion Control

Air fryers generally have small cooking capacities, and you may need to reheat your brisket in batches if you have a large quantity. This can be both time-consuming and result in uneven reheating. If you have a large amount of brisket to reheat, using an oven or slow cooker might be a better option.

Best Ways To Reheat Brisket

While reheating brisket in an air fryer can be a fantastic option, there are other methods you can consider depending on your preferences and available equipment. Here are some of the best ways to reheat brisket:


Using an oven is a popular method for reheating brisket. Preheat your oven to around 300°F (150°C), place the brisket in an oven-safe dish, cover it with foil or a lid, and heat it for approximately 20-30 minutes or until it reaches the desired temperature. This method allows for even heating and helps retain moisture.


Reheating brisket on the stovetop is another option. Slice the brisket into pieces, place them in a skillet or frying pan over medium heat, and add a bit of liquid such as beef broth or barbecue sauce. Cover the pan with a lid to trap the steam and heat the brisket for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Slow Cooker

If you have time on your hands, reheating brisket in a slow cooker can yield delicious results. Place the sliced brisket in the slow cooker, add some liquid like beef broth or barbecue sauce, cover, and heat on the low setting for 2-3 hours or until the desired temperature is reached. This method is perfect for maintaining the tenderness and juiciness of the brisket.

Sous Vide

For those who have a sous vide machine, reheating brisket using this method can provide exceptional results. Vacuum-seal the sliced brisket in a bag, submerge it in a water bath heated to around 145°F (63°C), and let it cook for 45 minutes to an hour. Once done, sear the brisket on a hot skillet or grill for a few minutes to add that crispiness to the exterior.


While not ideal for maintaining the texture and moisture of the brisket, the microwave can be a quick and convenient option. Place the sliced brisket on a microwave-safe plate, cover it with a microwave-safe cover or a damp paper towel to prevent drying, and heat it in short intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute until the desired temperature is reached.

What Reheating In Air Fryer Does To The Brisket

Reheating brisket in an air fryer can have both positive and negative effects on the meat. Here are some key factors to consider:

Retention Of Moisture

One significant advantage of using an air fryer to reheat brisket is that it helps retain the moisture in the meat. The hot circulating air in the air fryer oven keeps the meat moist, preventing it from drying out during the reheating process. This is especially important for maintaining the juiciness and tenderness that brisket is known for.

Crispy Exterior

Another benefit of reheating in an air fryer is that it can help re-crisp the exterior of the brisket. The high heat and rapid circulation of hot air can work wonders on the bark of the brisket, giving it that desirable crispy texture. This is a feature not commonly achieved when reheating using other methods like microwaving or stovetop reheating.

Risk Of Overcooking

One drawback of using an air fryer is the risk of overcooking the meat. Air fryers can heat up quickly, and if you’re not vigilant, the brisket can become dry and tough. It’s important to closely monitor the reheating process and check the internal temperature of the brisket regularly to avoid overcooking.

Uneven Reheating

As mentioned earlier, air fryers have limited cooking capacities. If you have a large amount of brisket to reheat, you may need to do it in batches, resulting in uneven reheating. This can be mitigated by cutting the brisket into smaller pieces and reheating them in multiple batches, but it’s still worth considering if you’re reheating a significant amount of meat.

Reheating brisket in an air fryer can be a great way to revive the flavors and textures of leftover meat. The hot circulating air helps retain moisture while creating a crispy exterior, resulting in a warm and delicious meal. However, it’s important to remember that each air fryer model may vary, so be sure to consult your air fryer’s user manual for specific instructions. Additionally, consider factors such as texture, time, equipment availability, and portion control when deciding which reheating method is best for you. Whether you choose to use an air fryer, oven, stovetop, slow cooker, sous vide, or microwave, you can enjoy the mouthwatering flavors of your leftover brisket without compromising quality.

Can You Restore The Initial Quality Of Brisket?

Brisket is a delicious cut of meat renowned for its rich, smoky flavor and tender texture. However, sometimes we find ourselves with leftover brisket that needs to be reheated to restore its initial quality. While there are various methods to reheat brisket, one method that has gained popularity in recent years is using an air fryer.

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Reheating brisket can be a delicate process, as improper methods can lead to dry, tough meat that loses its original flavors. The goal of reheating is to restore the brisket as closely as possible to its initial quality, maintaining its tenderness and juiciness.

While using an air fryer to reheat brisket may not replicate the exact texture and taste of freshly cooked brisket, it can still yield favorable results. An air fryer uses hot air circulation to cook the food, similar to a convection oven, but with the added benefit of a built-in fan that helps distribute the heat evenly. This allows for crispy exteriors and moist interiors, making it an appealing option for reheating brisket.

Tips For Optimal Reheating Results

To achieve the best results when reheating brisket in an air fryer, follow these tips:

1. Preheat The Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer is essential to ensure even cooking and prevent the brisket from drying out. Most air fryers have a preheat function or can be set to the desired temperature. It is recommended to preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for reheating brisket. This temperature allows the brisket to warm up while maintaining its moisture.

2. Slice The Brisket For Even Heating

Before reheating, slice the brisket into thin, even slices. This will help ensure that each slice reheats evenly and prevents large chunks of meat from drying out on the outer edges while the center remains cold. Slicing the brisket also allows for faster reheating.

3. Use Foil Or Parchment Paper

To prevent the brisket from sticking to the basket or becoming overly dry during reheating, it is recommended to line the air fryer basket with foil or parchment paper. This protective layer will help retain moisture and make cleanup easier.

4. Adjust The Reheating Time And Temperature

The ideal reheating time and temperature will vary depending on the thickness of the brisket slices and personal preference. As a general guideline, aim to reheat the brisket at 350°F (175°C) for 3-4 minutes per side. However, it is essential to monitor the progress closely to prevent overcooking or drying out the meat. Adjust the time and temperature accordingly based on the specific characteristics of your brisket and the desired level of doneness.

5. Add Moisture To The Air Fryer

Brisket can sometimes dry out during the reheating process, especially if it has been previously refrigerated. To counteract this, you can place a small heatproof dish filled with water or broth in the air fryer basket alongside the brisket. The moisture from the water or broth will help create steam, keeping the brisket moist and preventing it from becoming dry or tough.

6. Baste The Brisket

For additional moisture and flavor, consider basting the brisket with a thin layer of barbecue sauce or any other preferred sauce before reheating. The sauce will help lock in moisture and add a layer of caramelization to the meat, enhancing the overall taste.

7. Flip The Brisket

To ensure even reheating, flip the brisket halfway through the cooking process. This will help distribute the heat uniformly, preventing one side from becoming overly dry or overcooked.

8. Rest Before Serving

Once the brisket is reheated, allow it to rest for a few minutes before serving. This short resting period allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more succulent and tender final product.

Reheating Brisket More Than Once

Reheating leftover brisket in an air fryer should ideally be done only once to maintain the quality of the meat. Multiple reheating cycles can lead to further drying out of the brisket and may negatively affect its taste and texture. Therefore, it is recommended to reheat only the amount of brisket that will be consumed to avoid unnecessary reheating.

If you have a large quantity of leftover brisket and cannot consume it all at once, consider freezing the remaining portions in airtight containers or freezer bags. Properly frozen brisket can be thawed and reheated, though it may not retain the same level of tenderness as freshly cooked brisket. When reheating frozen brisket in an air fryer, follow the same tips mentioned above, but be aware that reheating times may need to be extended due to the frozen state of the meat.

Safety Measures When Reheating Brisket

It is crucial to prioritize food safety when reheating brisket, regardless of the method used. Here are some safety measures to keep in mind:

1. Properly Store Leftover Brisket

To ensure the safety of reheated brisket, it is essential to store the leftover portions correctly. Place the cooled brisket in airtight containers or wrap it tightly in foil or plastic wrap before refrigerating. Proper storage helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and keeps the brisket fresh for reheating.

2. Thaw Frozen Brisket Safely

If reheating frozen brisket, it is crucial to thaw it safely before using an air fryer. The recommended method for thawing is to place the frozen brisket in the refrigerator and allow it to defrost slowly overnight. This gradual thawing process ensures even defrosting and minimizes the risk of bacterial growth.

3. Use A Food Thermometer

To ensure that the reheated brisket reaches a safe internal temperature, use a reliable food thermometer. The USDA recommends that the internal temperature of reheated meat should reach a minimum of 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any potential bacteria. Insert the food thermometer into the thickest part of the brisket to get an accurate reading.

4. Avoid Reheating Brisket At Room Temperature

Never leave the brisket at room temperature for an extended period before reheating. Bacteria can multiply rapidly in the "danger zone" temperature range of 40°F to 140°F (4°C to 60°C). To maintain food safety, move the brisket from the refrigerator to the air fryer as soon as possible.

5. Consume Reheated Brisket Promptly

Once the brisket is reheated, it should be consumed promptly. Avoid leaving reheated brisket at room temperature for an extended period, as this can create an optimal breeding ground for bacteria. Discard any leftover reheated brisket that has been left at room temperature for more than two hours.

Reheating brisket in an air fryer can be an excellent option to restore its initial quality and enjoy the flavors of a freshly cooked meal. By following the tips mentioned in this comprehensive guide, you can achieve optimal reheating results with tender, moist, and flavorful brisket. Remember to prioritize food safety during the reheating process and enjoy your delicious leftover brisket without worrying about compromising its quality.

Adjusting Reheating Times

Brisket is a delectable and succulent cut of meat that is popular for its tender and juicy texture. However, when it comes to reheating it, it can be a challenging task to maintain its texture and flavor. Using an air fryer is a perfect way to reheat brisket without compromising its taste and texture.

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The first step in reheating brisket in an air fryer is adjusting the reheating time based on the brisket’s weight and thickness. The cooking time may vary depending on the air fryer’s model and the brisket’s quantity and thickness. In general, the reheating time can be estimated based on the following guidelines:

  • For a small slice of brisket, the reheating time should be between two to four minutes.

  • For a medium-sized slice of brisket, the reheating time should be between four to six minutes.

  • For a large slice of brisket, the reheating time should be between six to eight minutes.

In addition to the weight and thickness of the brisket, the temperature of the air fryer is also essential to consider. It is recommended to preheat the air fryer to 350°F before reheating brisket.

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Air Fryer Reheating

Here are some common mistakes that you can avoid when reheating brisket in an air fryer:

Adding Too Much Moisture

Adding too much moisture can ruin the texture of the brisket, making it soggy and unpleasant to eat. Avoid adding water or other liquids when reheating brisket in an air fryer. The brisket’s natural fat and juices should be enough to keep it moist and flavorful.

Overheating Brisket

Overheating the brisket can cause it to burn, dry out, or lose its flavor. As mentioned earlier, it is essential to adjust the reheating time based on the brisket’s size and thickness. Check the brisket every few minutes to avoid overheating it.

Reheating Brisket In A Whole Piece

Reheating the whole brisket may seem like a good idea, but it will take longer to reheat, and the center of the brisket may not get heated evenly. It is better to slice the brisket into smaller pieces before reheating it in an air fryer. This way, the brisket will heat evenly, and you can avoid overheating or undercooking some parts.

Tips And Tricks To Reheating Brisket In Air Fryer

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you reheat brisket in an air fryer and get the best results:

Use Air Fryer Basket Liner

Using an air fryer basket liner can prevent the brisket from sticking to the basket while reheating. This way, you can avoid losing some parts of the brisket due to sticking. The liner also helps in cleaning up the air fryer after reheating.

Add A Little Olive Oil

Adding a little olive oil on the brisket before reheating can help keep it moist and tender. Use a brush to apply the oil and avoid adding too much oil, as it can make the brisket greasy.

Add A Little Water In The Air Fryer

Adding a little water in the air fryer can help keep the brisket moist and tender. Pour about two tablespoons of water in the bottom of the basket before reheating. The water will create steam that will help keep the brisket moist and flavorful.

Preheat The Brisket Before Reheating

Preheating the brisket before reheating can help the brisket cook faster and more evenly. Take the brisket out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before reheating. This will help reduce the cooking time and ensure the brisket’s internal temperature reaches the desired level.


Reheating brisket in an air fryer can be a great way to enjoy a delicious and juicy brisket even after it has been stored in a refrigerator. By following the tips and tricks mentioned in this article, you can avoid common mistakes and achieve the perfect texture and flavor you desire. Remember to adjust the reheating time based on the brisket’s weight and thickness, avoid adding too much moisture, and slice the brisket into smaller pieces for even heating. With these essential tips and tricks, you’ll be able to reheat brisket in an air fryer like a pro!


How Do I Reheat Brisket In An Air Fryer?

To reheat brisket in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, slice the brisket into small, even pieces and place them in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Cook the brisket for 3-4 minutes, flip the pieces over, and continue cooking for an additional 2-3 minutes until it reaches your desired level of crispiness.

Can I Reheat Frozen Brisket In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat frozen brisket in an air fryer. However, it is recommended to thaw the brisket beforehand for more even and quicker reheating. If reheating from frozen, increase the cooking time by 2-3 minutes on each side.

How Long Does It Take To Reheat Brisket In An Air Fryer?

The reheating time for brisket in an air fryer can vary depending on the thickness of the slices and the desired level of crispiness. On average, it takes 5-7 minutes to reheat brisket in an air fryer.

Can I Use Foil To Reheat Brisket In An Air Fryer?

You can use foil to cover the brisket while reheating in an air fryer, but it is not necessary. The air fryer will still heat the brisket evenly and create a crispy exterior even without foil. However, using foil may help prevent the brisket from drying out.

How Should I Store Leftover Brisket For Reheating In An Air Fryer?

To properly store leftover brisket for reheating in an air fryer, let it cool completely and then wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place it in an airtight container or ziplock bag and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Alternatively, you can also freeze the brisket for up to 3 months for later reheating.