[FULL GUIDE] How To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

Garlic bread is a beloved side dish that often accompanies pasta, soups, and salads. However, leftover garlic bread can lose its crispiness and flavor when reheated in a microwave or conventional oven. This is where an air fryer comes to the rescue. Its ability to reheat food while maintaining its original texture and flavors makes it an ideal choice for reheating garlic bread. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best methods and techniques to reheat garlic bread in an air fryer, ensuring that it emerges as delicious and crispy as when it was first served.

Quick Answer: How To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is a simple and effective process. Here’s a quick overview of the steps:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 325°F.
  2. Place the garlic bread in the air fryer basket in a single layer.
  3. Heat the garlic bread for 3-4 minutes, checking periodically to ensure it reaches your desired level of crispiness.
  4. Once done, carefully remove the garlic bread from the air fryer and serve hot.

Now, let’s delve into the nuances of this process to ensure the best results.

When Not To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

While the air fryer is an excellent choice for reheating garlic bread, there are certain situations when it might not be the best option. If the garlic bread has an excessive amount of oil or butter, it may cause the air fryer to smoke excessively or produce unpleasant odors. In such cases, it’s better to reheat the garlic bread using alternative methods, such as a conventional oven or toaster oven.

Additionally, if the garlic bread has been previously frozen, it’s essential to thaw it thoroughly before reheating in the air fryer. Failure to thaw frozen garlic bread may lead to uneven reheating and a soggy texture. It’s important to ensure that the garlic bread is at room temperature or slightly chilled before placing it in the air fryer.

Best Temperature To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

Setting the air fryer to the correct temperature is crucial to achieving perfectly reheated garlic bread. A temperature of 325°F is ideal for reheating garlic bread in the air fryer. This temperature allows the heat to penetrate the bread evenly, crisping up the exterior while ensuring the inside is heated through.

The 325°F temperature also helps to prevent the garlic bread from burning or becoming overly crispy on the outside while still being cold inside. The gentle heat at this temperature ensures that the garlic bread retains its moisture and does not dry out during the reheating process.

Best Cooking Time To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

The cooking time for reheating garlic bread in an air fryer may vary slightly based on the thickness and initial state of the garlic bread. However, as a general guideline, the recommended cooking time is 3-4 minutes at 325°F.

It’s important to note that the cooking time should be used as a guide, and the garlic bread should be checked periodically to ensure it reaches the desired level of crispiness. Factors such as the air fryer model, the thickness of the garlic bread, and individual preferences for crispiness can influence the actual cooking time.

Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is an excellent way to revive its deliciousness and crispy texture. By following the guidelines provided in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your reheated garlic bread emerges from the air fryer with a wonderfully crisp exterior and a warm, soft interior. Remember to preheat the air fryer to 325°F, place the garlic bread in a single layer, and monitor it closely during the 3-4 minute reheating process. With these tips, you can enjoy perfectly reheated garlic bread every time, making the most of your leftovers without compromising on flavor or texture.

How To Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

Garlic bread is a delicious and popular side dish that pairs well with a variety of meals. Whether you made it yourself or bought it from a bakery or restaurant, there may be times when you have leftover garlic bread that you want to reheat. Reheating garlic bread can sometimes be a challenge, as you want to maintain its crispy texture and flavorful garlic taste. One efficient and convenient method to reheat garlic bread is by using an air fryer.

Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. Follow these steps to achieve perfectly reheated garlic bread:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to around 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes. Preheating helps to ensure even and consistent reheating.

  2. Prepare the garlic bread: Slice the leftover garlic bread into individual pieces if it isn’t already sliced. This will help with quick and even reheating. Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket to allow proper airflow for even cooking.

  3. Place the garlic bread in the air fryer: Once the air fryer is preheated, place the garlic bread slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Space them out to ensure each piece gets enough airflow for crispy results.

  4. Reheat the garlic bread: Cook the garlic bread in the air fryer for approximately 3-4 minutes. Check on the bread periodically to ensure it doesn’t burn. The exact cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the bread and the desired level of crispiness.

  5. Flip the garlic bread: After about halfway through the cooking time, flip the garlic bread slices to ensure even heating on both sides. This will help to maintain the crispy exterior and prevent any sogginess.

  6. Check for doneness: Remove one piece of garlic bread from the air fryer and test it for doneness. The bread should be hot and crispy, with the garlic flavor fully infused. If it needs additional time, return it to the air fryer and continue cooking for another minute or so.

  7. Serve and enjoy: Once the garlic bread is heated through and crispy, remove it from the air fryer and serve immediately. Garlic bread is best enjoyed when it is fresh and hot, so serve it as soon as possible for the best flavor and texture.

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Should I Reheat Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

You might be wondering if reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is the best method. While there are various ways to reheat garlic bread, using an air fryer has several advantages:

  1. Speed: Air fryers are known for their fast cooking times. Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer takes just a few minutes, allowing you to enjoy your warm and crispy garlic bread in no time.

  2. Texture: When reheated in an air fryer, garlic bread retains its crispy exterior while becoming hot and soft on the inside. The high heat and circulation of hot air in the air fryer help to achieve an evenly reheated piece of garlic bread.

  3. Even cooking: Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring that all sides of the garlic bread receive the same amount of heat. This helps to prevent any cold spots or uneven reheating, resulting in uniformly crispy and delicious garlic bread.

  4. Versatility: Air fryers are versatile kitchen appliances that can be used for more than just reheating garlic bread. You can use them to cook a variety of foods, including fried chicken, French fries, and even baked goods.

While reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is an excellent option, it may not be the only method available. Other ways to reheat garlic bread include using a toaster oven, conventional oven, or stovetop. However, the air fryer offers a unique combination of speed, convenience, and even cooking that makes it a compelling choice for reheating garlic bread.

Best Ways To Reheat Garlic Bread

If you don’t have an air fryer or prefer using other kitchen appliances to reheat your garlic bread, here are some alternative methods:

  1. Toaster oven: Preheat your toaster oven to around 350°F (175°C). Place the garlic bread slices on a baking sheet or aluminum foil and heat them for approximately 5-7 minutes. Keep a close eye on the bread to prevent burning. Flip the slices once during the cooking process to ensure even heating.

  2. Conventional oven: Preheat your oven to around 350°F (175°C). Place the garlic bread slices on a baking sheet and heat them for approximately 5-7 minutes. Similar to the toaster oven method, flip the slices halfway through the cooking time for even reheating.

  3. Stovetop: This method is useful if you want to reheat a whole loaf of garlic bread rather than individual slices. Slice the bread lengthwise and place it on a preheated skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Toast each side for a couple of minutes until the bread is warmed through and crispy. This method allows you to achieve a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft interior.

  4. Microwave: While using the microwave is a quick and convenient way to reheat garlic bread, it can result in a loss of crispiness. Wrap the garlic bread slices in a damp paper towel to help retain moisture, then heat them on low to medium power in 20-second intervals until warm. Note that the microwave method may be the least ideal for achieving crispy results.

Ultimately, the best method depends on your personal preference and the equipment you have available. An air fryer is a versatile option that provides quick and even reheating, making it an excellent choice for garlic bread lovers.

What Reheating In Air Fryer Does To The Garlic Bread

Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer has several effects on its texture, taste, and overall quality. Understanding these effects can help you achieve the best results:

  1. Texture: One of the most significant advantages of reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is the ability to maintain its crispy texture. The high heat and circulation of hot air in the air fryer help to revive the crunchiness of the bread’s exterior, while the inside becomes soft and warm. This results in garlic bread that tastes just as delicious and satisfying as when it was freshly made.

  2. Flavor: Garlic bread gets its distinctive flavor from the combination of garlic, butter, and herbs. Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer helps to infuse the flavors once again, resulting in a flavorful and aromatic bite. The high heat of the air fryer helps to reactivate the garlic’s natural oils, enhancing the overall taste of the bread.

  3. Even heating: One of the advantages of using an air fryer is its ability to heat food evenly. This is particularly important when reheating garlic bread because you want each slice to be heated through to the same temperature. The hot air circulation in the air fryer ensures that all sides of the garlic bread receive consistent heat, avoiding any cold spots or uneven reheating.

  4. Retaining moisture: When reheating garlic bread, it’s essential to prevent it from becoming too dry or losing moisture. The air fryer does an excellent job of retaining moisture in the bread while crisping up the exterior. This ensures that the garlic bread remains soft and moist on the inside, even after reheating.

Overall, reheating garlic bread in an air fryer helps to revive its texture and flavor, resulting in a delicious and satisfying snack or side dish.

Reheating garlic bread can be a challenge, but using an air fryer offers a convenient and efficient method to achieve excellent results. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can enjoy crispy, flavorful garlic bread in just a few minutes. The air fryer’s high heat, even cooking, and ability to retain moisture make it an ideal appliance for reheating garlic bread. However, if you don’t have an air fryer, alternative methods such as using a toaster oven, conventional oven, stovetop, or microwave can also be used. Experiment with different methods to find the one that suits your preferences and available equipment. Remember, reheating garlic bread in an air fryer not only brings back its crispy texture and flavorful taste but also provides a quick and convenient solution for enjoying your favorite snack.

Can You Restore The Initial Quality Of Garlic Bread

Garlic bread is a beloved side dish that adds a burst of flavor to any meal. Whether it’s served alongside a pasta dish or enjoyed on its own, garlic bread is a crowd-pleaser. However, there are times when we may have leftover garlic bread and want to reheat it to enjoy at a later time. Reheating garlic bread can be a bit tricky, as you want to ensure that it retains its initial quality. One method that has gained popularity for reheating various food items is using an air fryer.

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When reheating garlic bread, the goal is to restore its initial quality as much as possible. This means retaining the crispy exterior while ensuring the inside remains soft and flavorful. Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer can help achieve these desired results.

Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, creating a similar effect to deep frying but with significantly less oil. This method is known for producing crispy results and can be an excellent option for reheating garlic bread. The hot air effectively evaporates any moisture, leaving the bread with a crispy exterior and a warm and soft interior, just like freshly baked garlic bread.

Tips For Optimal Reheating Results

To achieve optimal reheating results for garlic bread in an air fryer, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Preheating the air fryer before placing the garlic bread inside is crucial to ensure even heating. Most air fryers have a preheat function, or you can manually set the desired temperature and let it preheat for a few minutes.

  2. Wrap the garlic bread in foil: To prevent the garlic bread from drying out during the reheating process, it is advisable to wrap it loosely in aluminum foil. This will help trap some of the moisture and prevent the bread from becoming too crispy or hard.

  3. Adjust the temperature and time: The ideal temperature and time for reheating garlic bread in an air fryer may vary depending on the model you have. As a general guideline, start with a temperature of around 350°F (175°C) and set the timer for 5 minutes. Check the garlic bread halfway through the cooking time to ensure it is reheating evenly.

  4. Flip the garlic bread: To achieve an evenly reheated garlic bread, it is recommended to flip it halfway through the cooking process. This will allow both sides to become crispy and maintain an evenly reheated interior.

  5. Consider adding a little moisture: If you prefer a softer garlic bread, you can add a small amount of water or butter to the foil before wrapping it. This will help create a steam effect during the reheating process, resulting in a softer interior.

Reheat Garlic Bread More Than Once

In some cases, you may find yourself with garlic bread that has already been reheated once and has gone cold again. Reheating garlic bread more than once is possible, but it’s important to take extra precautions to maintain the quality and flavor.

When reheating garlic bread for the second time, it is crucial to be mindful of the reheating time and temperature. Since the bread has already been reheated once, it is more likely to become overly crispy and dry. To avoid this, reduce the temperature by 25°F (15°C) and decrease the reheating time slightly. Keep a close eye on the garlic bread during the reheating process to ensure it doesn’t become overcooked.

Another option to consider when reheating garlic bread more than once is to sprinkle a small amount of water on the bread before wrapping it in foil. This will help add moisture and prevent the bread from becoming too dry during the reheating process.

Safety Measures When Reheating Garlic Bread

When reheating garlic bread, it is important to follow certain safety measures to ensure it is safe to consume. Here are some key safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Storage conditions: Properly store leftover garlic bread in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap before placing it in the refrigerator. This will help prevent the growth of bacteria and maintain its quality.

  2. Reheat thoroughly: When reheating garlic bread, it is essential to ensure that it reaches an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) to kill any potential bacteria. Use a food thermometer to accurately determine the bread’s internal temperature and adjust the reheating time accordingly.

  3. Avoid cross-contamination: To prevent cross-contamination with other food items, it is recommended to reheat garlic bread separately in the air fryer. This will help avoid the transfer of any bacteria from other food items, ensuring the safety of the reheated garlic bread.

  4. Consume within a safe timeframe: Leftover garlic bread should be consumed within 2-3 days of being prepared. Beyond this timeframe, the risk of foodborne illness increases, and it is best to discard any remaining garlic bread.

Reheating garlic bread in an air fryer can be an excellent way to restore its initial quality and enjoy it once again. By following the tips mentioned in this article, such as preheating the air fryer, wrapping the bread in foil, and adjusting the temperature and time, you can achieve delicious and crispy results. Remember to follow safety measures when reheating garlic bread to ensure it is safe to consume, including proper storage, reheating to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), and avoiding cross-contamination. So, the next time you find yourself with leftover garlic bread, don’t hesitate to reheat it in an air fryer and savor the flavorful delight all over again.

Adjusting Reheating Times

There’s nothing like garlic bread to accompany a perfectly cooked pasta, pizza or lasagne. However, we often make more garlic bread than we can eat in one sitting, and throw the leftovers in the fridge. But what happens when you want to eat it again? You could warm it up in the microwave, but that tends to make the bread soggy. Instead, try reheating it in an air fryer. This method guarantees crispy, evenly heated garlic bread that’s as fresh as the day you made it.

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Different garlic bread recipes may require different reheating times in an air fryer. Adjusting the temperature and cooking time can make a significant difference in how the bread turns out. Here’s a general guideline that you can use to reheat garlic bread in an air fryer:

  1. Preheat the air fryer to 325°F.

  2. Take the leftover garlic bread from the refrigerator, and place it on the air fryer basket or tray. Make sure the garlic bread doesn’t overlap with other slices, and keep enough space between them.

  3. Let the garlic bread cook in the air fryer for about 3-5 minutes.

  4. After the first few minutes, open the air fryer and check for the desired level of crisping. If you want crispier garlic bread, continue to air fry for additional 1-2 minutes.

  5. Once the garlic bread is heated to your liking, remove it from the air fryer and serve.

If you’re reheating frozen garlic bread, increase the cooking time by a few more minutes as it will require more time to cook all the way through. Always check the internal temperature with a food thermometer to ensure it has reached 165°F.

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Air Fryer Reheating

When it comes to reheating garlic bread in an air fryer, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Here are a few tips to help you avoid these pitfalls:

  • Do not overcrowd the basket or tray with garlic bread. This will prevent the heat from circulating around all the slices evenly, leading to undercooked bread.

  • Do not preheat the air fryer for too long as this could dry out the garlic bread.

  • Do not leave the garlic bread in the air fryer for too long or your garlic bread will get burnt and crispy.

  • Do not reheat garlic bread without wrapping or covering it in aluminum foil. This could lead to dry and burnt garlic bread.

Following these tips will ensure that your leftover garlic bread is just as delicious as it was the first time around.

Tips And Tricks To Reheating Garlic Bread In Air Fryer

Now that you know how to avoid common mistakes in air fryer reheating, here are a few extra tips and tricks to keep in mind when reheating garlic bread in the air fryer.

  1. Use the right amount of butter or oil on the bread. Too little, and your bread will be dry. Too much, and the bread will become soggy.

  2. Don’t skip the aluminum foil. If you don’t cover the garlic bread in foil, the bread will dry out and become tough.

  3. The higher the fat content of the bread, the less likely it will crisp up in the air fryer.

  4. For an extra boost of flavor, sprinkle some shredded parmesan cheese when the bread is almost done.

  5. Experiment with different temperatures and cooking times to find the perfect balance for your garlic bread recipe and air fryer.

  6. If you’re reheating a large amount of garlic bread or need to keep it warm for an extended time, consider using an oven to reheat. Cover it with aluminum foil and heat it at a low temperature (350°F) for about 10-15 minutes.


When it comes to reheating garlic bread, we all want it to be just as crispy and delicious as the first time around. An air fryer is a quick and efficient way to reheat garlic bread without making it soggy or overcooked. By following a few simple steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can enjoy hot, crispy garlic bread in minutes. Don’t let leftover garlic bread go to waste, put it in the air fryer and enjoy it again!


Can I Reheat Garlic Bread In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat garlic bread in an air fryer to achieve a crispy and delicious result.

How Long Should I Reheat Garlic Bread In An Air Fryer?

It is recommended to reheat garlic bread in an air fryer for 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Will The Air Fryer Dry Out The Garlic Bread?

No, the air fryer will not dry out the garlic bread because it uses hot air circulation to evenly heat and crisp the bread.

Can I Reheat Frozen Garlic Bread In An Air Fryer?

Yes, frozen garlic bread can also be reheated in an air fryer by increasing the cooking time by a few minutes.

Is It Necessary To Preheat The Air Fryer Before Reheating Garlic Bread?

No, preheating the air fryer is not necessary for reheating garlic bread. However, preheating may result in a slightly crispier texture.