Chicken Skewers Air Fryer Recipe: A Delectable Delight

The air fryer has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we cook, offering a healthier alternative to deep frying without compromising on taste and texture. One dish that truly shines in the air fryer is chicken skewers – juicy, flavorful, and perfectly cooked. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the food science behind cooking chicken skewers in an air fryer, discuss the best ingredients to use, provide step-by-step instructions for preparation, and share the recommended air fryer temperature and timing. Finally, we’ll present an easy and delicious chicken skewers air fryer recipe for you to try at home.

Food Science Behind Cooking Chicken Skewers In An Air Fryer

Understanding the food science behind cooking chicken skewers in an air fryer is essential for achieving the perfect results. The air fryer works by circulating hot air around the food at high speed, creating a crispy outer layer while retaining moisture inside. When it comes to chicken skewers, this method of cooking helps to achieve a juicy and tender interior while achieving a crispy, golden-brown exterior – all without the need for excessive oil.

Choosing Ingredients

Choosing the right ingredients is crucial for creating delicious chicken skewers in the air fryer. The key is to use fresh, high-quality ingredients that complement each other to enhance the flavor profile.


Opt for boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, which are ideal for skewering and cook evenly in the air fryer. Ensure they are trimmed of excess fat and cut into uniform pieces to promote even cooking.


A flavorful marinade is essential for infusing the chicken with depth and character. Common ingredients for a chicken skewers marinade may include olive oil, citrus juice, garlic, herbs, and spices. These elements not only add flavor but also tenderize the chicken, resulting in a more succulent final product.

Vegetables (optional)

While the focus is on chicken skewers, including vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and cherry tomatoes can add color, texture, and flavor to the dish. When selecting vegetables, consider ones that will cook evenly with the chicken and complement its flavors.

Preparing Ingredients

chicken skewers

The preparation of the ingredients significantly impacts the outcome of the dish. Properly marinating the chicken and assembling the skewers ensures that each bite is bursting with flavor.

Marinating The Chicken

Before threading the chicken onto skewers, marinate it for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat fully. For convenience, place the marinating chicken in a resealable plastic bag or a glass dish, ensuring that every piece is coated with the marinade. This step can be done in advance to save time on the day of cooking.

Assembling The Skewers

When assembling the skewers, alternate the chicken pieces with the vegetables if using, ensuring an even distribution of ingredients on each skewer. Leave a small space between the pieces to promote even cooking. Soak wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes before use to prevent them from burning in the air fryer.

Recommended Air Fryer Temperature & Timing

Achieving the perfect balance of crispiness and tenderness in chicken skewers requires careful consideration of air fryer temperature and timing.


Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C) before adding the skewers. This initial burst of heat helps to create a sear on the outside of the chicken, sealing in the juices and promoting that sought-after golden brown exterior.


Cook the skewers for approximately 10-12 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking process. Keep in mind that actual cooking times may vary depending on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces, as well as the specific model of the air fryer. An additional minute or two may be needed for larger pieces of chicken.

Adjust the timing as needed, paying attention to the color and texture of the chicken. The skewers should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure they are fully cooked and safe to eat.

Chicken Skewers Air Fryer Recipe

Now, let’s dive into a mouthwatering chicken skewers air fryer recipe that is perfect for a quick and delicious meal.


  • 1.5 pounds (680g) boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Optional vegetables for skewering, such as bell peppers, onions, and cherry tomatoes


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, lemon zest, paprika, cumin, coriander, salt, and black pepper to create the marinade.

  2. Add the chicken pieces to the marinade, ensuring they are fully coated. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 4 hours for maximum flavor.

  3. If using vegetables, prepare them by cutting into uniform pieces that will cook evenly with the chicken.

  4. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C).

  5. Thread the marinated chicken and optional vegetables onto skewers, alternating as desired.

  6. Place the skewers in the preheated air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded to allow for proper air circulation.

  7. Cook the skewers for 10-12 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time. Monitor the internal temperature of the chicken and adjust the timing as needed.

  8. Once the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and has developed a golden brown exterior, remove the skewers from the air fryer.

  9. Let the skewers rest for a few minutes before serving, allowing the juices to redistribute for maximum flavor and tenderness.

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Serving Suggestion

Serve the chicken skewers with a side of fluffy rice, a crisp green salad, or warm pita bread. Drizzle with additional lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh herbs for a vibrant finish.

Cooking chicken skewers in an air fryer is a fantastic way to achieve tender, juicy, and flavor-packed results without the need for excessive oil. By understanding the food science behind air frying, selecting high-quality ingredients, and following the recommended temperature and timing, you can create chicken skewers that are sure to impress. Whether you’re enjoying them as a quick weeknight meal or serving them at gatherings, this air fryer recipe is a versatile and delicious option that is bound to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.

Doneness Checks

chicken skewers

Chicken skewers cooked in an air fryer are a fantastic finger food option, perfect for parties, gatherings, or even a delicious weeknight dinner. This cooking method ensures that the chicken is crispy on the outside while remaining tender and juicy on the inside.

It is essential to ensure that your chicken skewers are cooked thoroughly before serving to guarantee safety and optimal taste. Here are a few ways to check for doneness:

1. Internal Temperature

Using a meat thermometer is the most reliable and accurate way to determine if your chicken is cooked thoroughly. The internal temperature of properly cooked chicken should be 165°F (74°C). Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken piece, away from the skewer. If the temperature reads lower, continue cooking for a few more minutes and recheck.

2. Visual Inspection

Another method to determine doneness is by visually inspecting the chicken. Cut open one piece of chicken to ensure there is no pinkness in the center. The juice should run clear, without any traces of blood or pinkness.

3. Texture

Properly cooked chicken skewers should have a firm texture. Firmly press down on a chicken piece with a fork or your finger; it should bounce back rather than feeling squishy or rubbery. If the chicken feels undercooked, it requires additional cooking time.


If you find that your chicken skewers are undercooked, follow these steps to rectify the situation:

1. Continue Cooking

If your chicken skewers are slightly undercooked, you can simply return them to the air fryer and continue cooking for a few more minutes. Monitor the internal temperature using a meat thermometer until it reaches 165°F (74°C).

2. Finish In The Oven

If the chicken skewers are significantly undercooked and you need to get them on the table quickly, you can transfer them to a preheated oven. Bake them at 400°F (200°C) until they reach the recommended internal temperature, approximately 10-15 minutes.


Overcooked chicken skewers can become dry and tough, resulting in an unpleasant eating experience. However, there are ways to salvage overcooked chicken:

1. Marinate In Sauce

One way to salvage overcooked chicken skewers is by marinating them in a flavorful sauce. The sauce will help add moisture and enhance the overall taste. Simply brush the skewers with your preferred sauce, such as teriyaki or barbecue, and allow them to sit for a few minutes before serving.

2. Serve With Dips

Pairing overcooked chicken skewers with delicious dips can help counteract the dryness. Prepare dips like tzatziki, garlic aioli, or buffalo sauce to add moisture and flavor to the chicken.

3. Shred And Use In Other Dishes

If your chicken skewers are severely overcooked and cannot be salvaged, do not despair. Shred the chicken using a fork and use it in other dishes such as salads, wraps, or stir-fries. The shredded chicken can be incorporated into various recipes, providing you with delicious options without any waste.


close up view of air fried chicken skewers

Cooking chicken skewers in an air fryer is generally a straightforward process. However, you may encounter a few issues along the way. Here are some common troubleshooting tips:

1. Uneven Cooking

To prevent uneven cooking, ensure that your chicken pieces are of similar thickness. If some pieces are larger than others, adjust the cooking time accordingly. Additionally, you may need to rearrange the skewers halfway through the cooking process to ensure even browning on all sides.

2. Skewers Sticking To The Basket

Preventing the skewers from sticking to the air fryer basket is key. To avoid this problem, lightly grease the basket or coat it with a cooking spray before placing the skewers. Alternatively, you can wrap the exposed part of the skewers with aluminum foil to prevent any sticking.

3. Dry Chicken

If your chicken skewers are turning out drier than desired, it could be due to overcooking or using lean chicken breast. To combat dryness, marinate the chicken beforehand to add moisture and flavor. If using chicken breast, consider adding a small amount of olive oil or melted butter to prevent excess dryness.

4. Breading Falling Off

If you are coating your chicken skewers in breadcrumbs or a breading mixture and find that it is falling off during cooking, there are a few steps you can take to prevent this. First, ensure that the chicken is well coated in the flour or egg wash before applying the breadcrumbs. Additionally, lightly spraying the breaded chicken with cooking spray can help lock in the breading and prevent it from falling off.

Recipe Variations

Now that you have mastered the art of cooking chicken skewers in an air fryer, let’s explore some exciting variations to keep things interesting:

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1. Asian-inspired Soy-Ginger Glazed Skewers

Marinate the chicken skewers in a mixture of soy sauce, grated ginger, minced garlic, honey, and a splash of lime juice. Air fry until cooked through, brushing with the glaze a few times throughout the cooking process. The result is a deliciously sticky and flavorful skewer that pairs perfectly with a side of steamed rice.

2. Mediterranean Lemon-Herb Skewers

Combine fresh lemon juice, olive oil, minced garlic, dried oregano, dried thyme, salt, and pepper to create a zesty marinade for the chicken. Let the skewers marinate for at least an hour before air frying. The fragrant herbs and tangy lemon will transport your taste buds to the Mediterranean shores.

3. Spicy Buffalo Chicken Skewers

Coat your chicken pieces in a mixture of hot sauce, melted butter, and a pinch of cayenne pepper for a spicy twist on traditional chicken skewers. Air fry until cooked through and serve with a side of cooling blue cheese dip or ranch dressing. These skewers are sure to please spice lovers.

4. Teriyaki Pineapple Skewers

Create a tropical flavor explosion by alternating chicken pieces with chunks of pineapple on the skewers. Brush with teriyaki sauce before air frying to infuse the chicken with a sweet and tangy glaze. The caramelized pineapple adds a delightful touch to these mouthwatering skewers.

Chicken skewers cooked in an air fryer are a versatile and delicious dish that can be enjoyed on various occasions. By following the doneness checks, troubleshooting tips, and exploring different recipe variations, you can create perfectly cooked and flavorful chicken skewers every time. So fire up your air fryer and get ready to indulge in these delightful and hassle-free treats.

Flavour Enhancement Tips

Chicken skewers are a delicious and versatile dish that can be enjoyed as an appetizer, main course, or even as a snack. With the use of an air fryer, you can easily achieve a crispy and flavorful result without the need for excessive oil or a grill.

Flavor is an essential aspect when it comes to enjoying chicken skewers. Marinating the chicken before cooking can infuse it with rich and enticing flavors. Here are some flavor-enhancing tips to consider:

  1. Marinades: There are countless marinade options to choose from. You can go for classic flavors like lemon and herb, or experiment with international flavors like teriyaki or tikka marinade. Make sure to marinate the chicken for at least 30 minutes, or even overnight, for maximum flavor penetration.

  2. Citrus: Adding a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange over the skewers just before serving can bring a refreshing and tangy twist to the dish. Citrus fruits work particularly well with chicken and can help cut through any richness.

  3. Fresh Herbs: Adding fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, or rosemary to the marinade or as a garnish can elevate the flavor profile of your skewers. The aroma and freshness of herbs can add a vibrant touch to the chicken.

  4. Spices and Seasonings: Experiment with a variety of spices and seasonings to create different flavor profiles. Some popular options include paprika, cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, or even a sprinkle of curry powder for an exotic taste.

  5. Soy Sauce: Adding a splash of soy sauce to your marinade or using it as a glaze while cooking can give your chicken skewers a savory umami flavor. It pairs well with a variety of other flavors and adds depth to the dish.

Texture Enhancement Tips

close up view of air fried chicken skewers

Achieving the perfect texture for your chicken skewers is equally important as the flavor. Here are some tips to ensure your skewers turn out tender and juicy:

  1. Quality of Chicken: Start with high-quality, fresh chicken pieces. Look for chicken thighs or breast fillets that are well-trimmed and uniform in size. Avoid using frozen chicken, as it tends to release excess moisture, resulting in a less desirable texture.

  2. Size and Thickness: Cut the chicken into evenly-sized pieces to ensure they cook uniformly. If the pieces are too big, they may not cook through, while smaller pieces can dry out easily.

  3. Proper Skewering: Thread the chicken onto skewers, making sure to leave enough space between each piece. This allows for proper airflow and even cooking in the air fryer. Avoid overcrowding the skewers, as this can lead to a steaming effect that compromises the texture.

  4. Basting: Brushing the chicken with marinade, sauce, or oil during the cooking process can help maintain moisture and enhance the texture. Baste the chicken every few minutes to keep it tender and prevent drying.

  5. Resting Time: Allow the cooked chicken skewers to rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and juicy outcome.

Cooking At Different Temperatures

Air fryers come with different temperature settings, and choosing the right one can significantly impact the final result of your chicken skewers. Here are some temperature guidelines to consider:

  1. High Temperature: For a crispy and golden exterior, start by preheating your air fryer to a higher temperature, typically around 400°F (200°C). Cook the skewers at this temperature for the first few minutes to achieve a nice sear.

  2. Medium Temperature: After the initial high-temperature sear, reduce the heat to around 350°F (175°C). This allows the chicken to cook through evenly without burning the exterior. The slightly lower temperature helps retain moisture and keeps the skewers juicy.

  3. Low Temperature: In some cases, you may prefer a longer cooking time at a lower temperature to ensure the chicken is cooked through thoroughly. Set the air fryer to around 325°F (160°C) and cook until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°F (74°C).

  4. Testing for Doneness: To ensure the chicken is properly cooked, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the chicken, avoiding contact with the skewer. Once it reaches 165°F (74°C), your chicken is safe to eat.

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Cooking Tips

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you achieve the perfect chicken skewers in your air fryer:

  1. Preheating: Always preheat your air fryer before adding the chicken. This ensures even cooking and helps achieve a crisp exterior. Preheating for around 3-5 minutes is usually sufficient.

  2. Brushing with Oil: Lightly coat the chicken skewers with oil before placing them in the air fryer. This helps enhance browning and prevents sticking.

  3. Avoid Overcrowding: To allow optimal airflow and even cooking, avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Cook the chicken skewers in batches if necessary. Overcrowding can lead to uneven cooking and a less crispy texture.

  4. Rotating Skewers: If your air fryer doesn’t have a rotating function, turn the skewers halfway through the cooking process. This ensures that all sides of the chicken cook evenly and develop an attractive color.

  5. Cleaning the Air Fryer: After cooking, make sure to clean the air fryer thoroughly to remove any oil or food residue. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, but typically, the air fryer basket and tray are dishwasher-safe.

Serving Suggestions

Chicken skewers are versatile and can be served in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions to inspire you:

  1. Dipping Sauces: Provide an array of dipping sauces to complement the flavors of the chicken. Options like tzatziki, peanut sauce, barbecue sauce, or chimichurri can elevate the taste and add a touch of variety.

  2. Side Dishes: Accompany your chicken skewers with a selection of side dishes. Some popular choices include a fresh salad, rice pilaf, grilled vegetables, or even pita bread and hummus.

  3. Salad Fillings: Transform your chicken skewers into a refreshing salad by removing the chicken from the skewers and serving them over a bed of greens. Add cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, red onions, and your favorite dressing for a light and satisfying meal.

  4. Wrap or Sandwich: Spread some sauce or mayonnaise on a tortilla or bread of your choice. Lay the chicken skewers on top, along with some fresh greens and sliced tomatoes, for a flavorful and portable meal.

  5. Party Platter: Arrange your chicken skewers on a platter as part of a party spread. They make an excellent finger food option for gatherings and can be served with toothpicks for convenience.


Chicken skewers made in an air fryer are a convenient and flavorful option for both casual meals and special occasions. By following the tips and guidelines in this article, you can achieve perfectly cooked, juicy, and well-flavored skewers every time. Experiment with different marinades, spices, and temperatures to create a variety of flavor profiles to suit your preferences. Enjoy this delicious dish with your favorite sides, sauces, or even in creative ways like salads or wraps. Get adventurous in the kitchen and enjoy the versatility of chicken skewers made in an air fryer!

FAQS On Chicken Skewers Air Fryer Recipe

What Are The Ingredients Needed For Making Chicken Skewers In An Air Fryer?

To make chicken skewers in an air fryer, you will need skinless and boneless chicken breasts or thighs, skewers, olive oil, salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, and paprika.

How Long Does It Take To Cook Chicken Skewers In An Air Fryer?

The cooking time for chicken skewers in an air fryer usually ranges between 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the meat and the temperature used.

Do I Need To Preheat My Air Fryer Before Cooking The Chicken Skewers?

Yes, it is always recommended to preheat the air fryer before cooking any dish. Preheating ensures that the cooking temperature is evenly distributed, which leads to better cooking results.

Can I Use Metal Skewers For Making Chicken Skewers In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can use metal skewers for making chicken skewers in an air fryer, but make sure to coat them with a non-stick cooking spray for easy removal of the cooked chicken.

Can I Marinate The Chicken Before Cooking It In An Air Fryer?

Yes, marinating the chicken is a great way to add flavor and moisture to the meat before cooking it in an air fryer. You can marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for up to four hours before cooking.

Can I Cook The Chicken Skewers In Batches, Or Should I Cook Them All At Once?

It is possible to cook the chicken skewers in batches in an air fryer. However, make sure to leave some space between the skewers to allow for proper air circulation and even cooking.

What Dips Go Well With Chicken Skewers Made In An Air Fryer?

Chicken skewers made in an air fryer go well with a variety of dips, including tzatziki sauce, hummus, peanut sauce, or any other dipping sauce of your choice.