[FULL GUIDE] How To Reheat Dumplings In Air Fryer

Dumplings are a beloved dish enjoyed in various cuisines around the world. Whether they are steamed, boiled, or pan-fried, dumplings are a comforting and flavorful treat. However, if you find yourself with leftover dumplings, you may wonder about the best method to reheat them without compromising their quality. One popular and effective way to reheat dumplings is by using an air fryer. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of reheating dumplings in an air fryer, including the best temperature and cooking time for optimal results. Additionally, we will address situations in which reheating dumplings in an air fryer may not be the most suitable option. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy perfectly reheated dumplings with a crispy exterior and tender filling.

Quick Answer: How To Reheat Dumplings In Air Fryer

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer is a quick and straightforward process. To begin, preheat your air fryer to a recommended temperature, typically around 350°F. Place the dumplings in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are evenly spaced to allow for consistent heating. Lightly coat the dumplings with a small amount of oil to help achieve a crispy texture. Cook the dumplings in the air fryer for a specific duration, then check for doneness before serving. By following these simple steps, you can efficiently and effectively reheat your dumplings in an air fryer, preserving their delicious flavor and texture.

When Not To Reheat Dumplings In Air Fryer

While the air fryer is a versatile appliance for reheating a wide range of foods, there are certain circumstances in which reheating dumplings in an air fryer may not be the most suitable option. If the dumplings are extremely delicate or have a high moisture content, such as soup dumplings or those with a thin, delicate wrapper, the air fryer may not be the best choice for reheating. In these cases, using a steamer or gently reheating in a skillet with a small amount of water may be more appropriate to prevent the dumplings from drying out or becoming tough. Additionally, if the dumplings have been frozen, it is advisable to thaw them in the refrigerator before reheating, as placing frozen dumplings directly into the air fryer may result in uneven heating and texture.

Best Temperature To Reheat Dumplings In Air Fryer

The temperature at which you reheat dumplings in an air fryer is crucial to achieving the perfect balance of a crispy exterior and a hot, tender interior. A recommended temperature for reheating dumplings in the air fryer is around 350°F. This temperature allows for gentle yet thorough heating, ensuring that the dumplings are fully warmed through without becoming overly crisp or dry. The moderate heat also allows the exterior of the dumplings to regain its delightful crunch without burning or becoming overly browned. By using this optimal reheating temperature, you can enjoy delectably reheated dumplings that closely resemble their freshly cooked counterparts.

Best Cooking Time To Reheat Dumplings In Air Fryer

The cooking time for reheating dumplings in an air fryer can vary depending on factors such as the size and quantity of the dumplings, as well as the specific model of the air fryer being used. As a general guideline, reheating dumplings in an air fryer typically takes around 8 to 10 minutes at 350°F. However, it is essential to monitor the dumplings periodically during the reheating process to ensure they reach the desired temperature and texture. After the initial cooking time, carefully check the dumplings for doneness, making adjustments as needed based on their appearance and internal temperature. By closely monitoring the cooking time and making adjustments as necessary, you can achieve perfectly reheated dumplings that are piping hot on the inside and delightfully crispy on the outside.

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer is an efficient and convenient method that yields delicious results when executed correctly. By preheating the air fryer, setting it to the recommended temperature, and paying attention to the cooking time, you can effectively reheat dumplings with minimal hassle. However, it is important to consider the type of dumplings being reheated and their specific characteristics, as well as any potential alternatives for reheating in cases where the air fryer may not be the ideal choice. With the proper attention to temperature, timing, and technique, the air fryer can be a valuable tool for revitalizing leftover dumplings, allowing you to savor their flavors and textures once again. Whether you have leftover dumplings from a previous meal or wish to prepare a quick and satisfying snack, reheating dumplings in an air fryer offers a convenient and reliable solution for enjoying this beloved dish time and time again.

How To Reheat Dumplings In An Air Fryer

Dumplings are a delicious and versatile dish that can be enjoyed in various forms and flavors. Whether you have leftover dumplings from a previous meal or you simply want to enjoy them again, it’s important to know how to reheat them properly to ensure they retain their taste and texture. One popular method for reheating dumplings is by using an air fryer.

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer can be a quick and convenient option, providing a method that maintains the crispy exterior and moist interior that we all love. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve the perfect reheated dumplings using an air fryer:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to around 375°F (190°C) for approximately 5 minutes. This will ensure that the dumplings are evenly heated throughout the cooking process.

  2. Place the dumplings in the air fryer: While the air fryer is preheating, arrange the dumplings in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Make sure to leave enough space between each dumpling to allow for even circulation of hot air.

  3. Reheat in batches: If you have a large quantity of dumplings, it’s recommended to reheat them in smaller batches. This will ensure that the dumplings are reheated evenly, without overcrowding the air fryer basket, which can hinder proper circulation of hot air.

  4. Cook at a lower temperature: Once the dumplings are placed in the air fryer, reduce the temperature to around 325°F (163°C) and set the cooking time to approximately 5-8 minutes. Cooking times may vary depending on the size and type of dumplings, so it’s important to monitor them closely to prevent overcooking.

  5. Shake the basket: Midway through the cooking process, carefully shake the air fryer basket to ensure that the dumplings are heated evenly from all sides. This will help to achieve a uniformly crispy exterior.

  6. Check for doneness: After the cooking time is complete, carefully open the air fryer and check the dumplings for doneness. If they appear golden brown and are heated throughout, they are ready to be enjoyed. If needed, add an additional minute or two to the cooking time.

  7. Serve and enjoy: Once the dumplings are perfectly reheated, remove them from the air fryer and serve them hot. Whether you choose to enjoy them plain, with a dipping sauce, or in a soup, they are now ready to satisfy your cravings.

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Should I Reheat Dumplings In An Air Fryer?

While reheating dumplings in an air fryer can produce crispy results, it’s important to consider the texture and flavors you desire. If you prefer dumplings with a crispy exterior and a slightly drier texture, then using an air fryer is an excellent option. However, if you prefer dumplings with a softer and more moist texture, there may be other reheating methods that better suit your preferences.

Best Ways To Reheat Dumplings

  1. Steam: Steaming is a traditional method used to reheat dumplings, especially if you want to maintain their soft and delicate texture. To steam dumplings, place them in a steamer basket over simmering water for approximately 5-7 minutes. This method ensures that the dumplings heat gently and evenly without drying them out.

  2. Pan-fry: Pan-frying is another popular method for reheating dumplings, especially if you desire a crispy exterior. Heat oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat and then place the dumplings in the pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the bottoms are golden brown. Next, add a small amount of water to the pan, cover it, and steam the dumplings for an additional 5-7 minutes. This method provides a combination of crispiness and moistness.

  3. Microwave: If you are looking for a quick and convenient way to reheat dumplings, microwaving can be an option. However, keep in mind that microwaving can result in softer dumplings without the desired crispy exterior. To microwave dumplings, place them on a microwave-safe plate, cover them with a damp paper towel, and heat them on high power for 1-2 minutes or until heated through.

  4. Oven: If you have a large batch of dumplings, reheating them in the oven can be a suitable option. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), place the dumplings on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake for approximately 10-15 minutes or until heated through. This method can result in crispy dumplings, especially if you brush them with a small amount of oil before baking.

Ultimately, the best reheating method for dumplings will depend on your personal preference and desired texture. It’s worth experimenting with different methods to find the one that suits your taste.

What Reheating In An Air Fryer Does To The Dumplings

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer can have both positive and negative effects on their texture and taste. Here are the main outcomes you can expect when using an air fryer to reheat dumplings:

  1. Crispy Exterior: The air fryer’s rapid circulation of hot air helps to create a crispy exterior on the dumplings, similar to the texture achieved when initially cooking them. This is particularly beneficial if you enjoy the contrast between the crispy outer layer and the tender filling.

  2. Moisture Retention: While the air fryer can produce a crispy exterior, it’s important to note that it can also contribute to some moisture loss. Dumplings reheated in an air fryer may be slightly drier compared to other reheating methods, which can impact the overall texture of the dumplings.

  3. Retaining Flavors: Reheating dumplings in an air fryer helps to preserve the original flavors of the dumplings. The high heat and rapid cooking process ensure that the dumplings are reheated evenly, preventing any potential flavor disparities.

  4. Texture: Air frying can lead to a slight textural difference compared to other reheating methods. The air fryer tends to create a crisper and slightly denser texture, which can be either a positive or negative outcome depending on personal preference.

  5. Speed and Convenience: One of the major advantages of using an air fryer to reheat dumplings is its speed and convenience. The air fryer heats up quickly and reheats the dumplings efficiently, making it a convenient option for quick and easy meals.

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer can be a great choice if you prefer a crispy exterior with a slightly drier texture. The air fryer’s hot air circulation ensures quick and even reheating, resulting in dumplings that retain their original flavors. However, it’s essential to consider your personal preferences for texture and flavor when deciding on the best reheating method. Steaming, pan-frying, microwaving, or oven baking are viable alternatives that may better suit your desired outcome. Whichever method you choose, reheating your dumplings properly will allow you to enjoy this delicious dish once again.

Can You Restore The Initial Quality Of Dumplings

Dumplings are a delicious and popular dish enjoyed by many around the world. These bite-sized delights can be filled with a variety of ingredients like meat, vegetables, or cheese, making them a versatile and satisfying meal option. However, if you have some leftover dumplings from a previous meal, you may be wondering how to reheat them to restore their initial quality. One method that has gained popularity recently is reheating dumplings in an air fryer.

When it comes to reheating dumplings, one of the main concerns is whether you can restore the initial quality of the dumplings. While reheating dumplings in an air fryer can yield delicious results, it’s important to note that the texture may not be identical to freshly steamed or fried dumplings. Dumplings that have been previously cooked tend to lose some moisture and may become slightly drier after reheating. However, reheating dumplings in an air fryer can help to preserve the crispness of the outer shell, offering a delightful contrast to the tender filling.

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Air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, creating a crispy outer layer. This method of reheating can help to recreate the crispy texture that is often associated with freshly cooked dumplings. While the overall taste may not be exactly the same as when the dumplings were first served, reheating dumplings in an air fryer is an excellent way to revive leftover dumplings without sacrificing too much of the initial quality.

Tips For Optimal Reheating Results

To achieve the best reheating results when using an air fryer for dumplings, it’s important to follow a few key tips. These tips will ensure that your dumplings are heated evenly, maintaining their texture and flavor as much as possible.

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Just as you would preheat an oven, it’s essential to preheat the air fryer before placing the dumplings inside. This will help to ensure that the dumplings cook evenly and are heated throughout.

  2. Arrange the dumplings in a single layer: To allow for even air circulation and crispiness, make sure to arrange the dumplings in a single layer inside the air fryer basket or tray. Overcrowding can lead to uneven reheating and potentially soggy dumplings.

  3. Brush with oil: Lightly brushing the dumplings with oil before placing them in the air fryer can help to enhance the crispiness and prevent them from drying out too much. Use a neutral oil like canola or vegetable oil for this purpose.

  4. Adjust the cooking time and temperature: The cooking time and temperature needed will depend on the size and type of dumplings you are reheating. As a general guideline, start with a medium temperature of around 350°F (175°C) and adjust the cooking time accordingly. It’s always better to check the dumplings periodically to ensure they are heated through without burning.

  5. Flip halfway through cooking: To ensure even browning and crispness, flip the dumplings halfway through the reheating process. This will help to achieve an evenly cooked and crispy exterior.

  6. Serve immediately: Dumplings are best enjoyed when they are hot and fresh. Serve the reheated dumplings immediately to fully appreciate their flavors and textures.

By following these tips, you can maximize the chances of achieving well-reheated dumplings with a crispy shell and a flavorful filling.

Reheat Dumplings More Than Once

It is generally not recommended to reheat dumplings more than once. Reheating food multiple times can increase the risk of bacterial growth, potentially leading to foodborne illnesses. Dumplings, like any other food, can be contaminated by bacteria if not stored or handled properly.

Ideally, you should only reheat dumplings once and consume them immediately after reheating. If you find that you have reheated more dumplings than you can eat in one sitting, it is better to store the remaining ones in the refrigerator and consume them within a day or two. Reheating the leftover dumplings again after refrigeration may result in a loss of quality and may not be as enjoyable as when they were freshly reheated.

Additionally, it’s important to handle leftover dumplings with care to prevent contamination. Always store them in a clean, airtight container in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. When reheating, make sure to heat them thoroughly to kill any potential bacteria.

Safety Measures When Reheating Dumplings

While reheating dumplings in an air fryer is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy leftover dumplings, there are certain safety measures that should be followed to ensure food safety. By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses and enjoy your reheated dumplings without worry.

  1. Store and handle dumplings properly: As mentioned earlier, it’s crucial to store dumplings properly in the refrigerator within two hours of cooking. Use clean, airtight containers to prevent cross-contamination with other foods. When handling leftovers, ensure your hands and utensils are clean to prevent any contamination.

  2. Reheat thoroughly: It’s important to heat dumplings thoroughly to kill any bacteria that may be present. Use a food thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches a safe minimum of 165°F (74°C). This will help to eliminate potential pathogens and reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

  3. Avoid reheating multiple times: As mentioned earlier, it is not recommended to reheat dumplings more than once. Reheating food multiple times can increase the risk of bacterial growth, so it’s best to reheat only the amount of dumplings that will be consumed immediately.

  4. Check for signs of spoilage: Before reheating dumplings, check for any signs of spoilage such as an off odor, mold, or a slimy texture. If the dumplings show any of these signs, it is best to discard them to avoid any potential foodborne illnesses.

By following these safety measures, you can ensure that your reheated dumplings are safe to eat and enjoy without compromising on taste or quality.

Reheating dumplings in an air fryer can be a wonderful way to revive leftover dumplings and enjoy them with a crispy exterior. While the original quality of the dumplings may not be completely restored, the air fryer method can help to recreate the deliciousness of freshly cooked dumplings. By preheating the air fryer, arranging the dumplings in a single layer, brushing with oil, and adjusting the cooking time and temperature, you can achieve optimal reheating results. However, it’s important to remember that dumplings should only be reheated once to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. By following safety measures, such as storing and handling dumplings properly, reheating thoroughly, and avoiding multiple reheating cycles, you can enjoy your reheated dumplings safely and without worry. So, the next time you have some leftover dumplings, consider using an air fryer for a quick and delicious reheating method.

Adjusting Reheating Times

Dumplings are delicious and satisfying, but reheating them can be a tricky task. The texture and taste of dumplings can quickly deteriorate if they are not reheated correctly. One of the best ways to reheat dumplings is by using an air fryer. An air fryer is a fantastic kitchen appliance that can be used to reheat food.

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The reheating times for dumplings in an air fryer vary depending on the type of dumpling you are reheating. For example, if you are reheating steamed or boiled dumplings, you can reheat them for around five to seven minutes at 350°F. If the dumplings have been frozen, you may need to add an additional 2-3 minutes to the cooking time.

On the other hand, if you are reheating fried dumplings, you may need to reheat them at a higher temperature, between 375°F to 400°F, for up to 8-10 minutes. This will help to ensure that the dumplings are adequately heated and crispy.

However, it is always important to check the dumplings regularly and adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly. Overcooking the dumplings can cause them to become tough and chewy.

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Air Fryer Reheating

There are some common mistakes that people make when reheating food in an air fryer. One of the biggest mistakes is overcrowding the basket. If you put too many dumplings in the basket at once, the hot air will not be able to circulate properly, resulting in unevenly cooked dumplings.

Another common mistake is not preheating the air fryer. Preheating the air fryer allows the internal temperature to reach the desired temperature before you put the dumplings in the basket. This is essential for even cooking and ensures that your dumplings are heated through and through.

Finally, not adjusting the cooking time and temperature can lead to disappointing results. Always check the progress of your dumplings regularly and adjust the temperature and cooking time as necessary.

Tips And Tricks To Reheating Dumplings In Air Fryer

Here are some additional tips and tricks to ensure that your dumplings are reheated to perfection in an air fryer:

1. Add Some Water

If your dumplings have been sitting in the fridge or freezer, they can dry out. To prevent this, add a small amount of water to the air fryer basket before adding the dumplings. This will help to create steam and keep the dumplings moist during cooking.

2. Use A Rack To Elevate Your Dumplings

If you are reheating fried dumplings, they can become soggy if they come into contact with the excess oil at the bottom of the air fryer basket. To prevent this, use a rack to elevate the dumplings off of the bottom of the basket. This will allow the hot air to circulate around the dumplings and prevent them from becoming soggy.

3. Brush The Dumplings With Oil Or Butter

To get crispy and golden dumplings, brush them with a small amount of oil or butter before putting them in the air fryer. This will help to create a crispy and delicious coating.

4. Try Different Seasonings

Add some flavor to your dumplings by trying out different seasoning blends. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and garlic powder on your dumplings before you put them in the air fryer for a savory flavor. For a spicier flavor, add chili flakes or cayenne pepper.

5. Let The Dumplings Rest Before Serving

Once your dumplings are done cooking, let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the dumplings to cool down slightly and also help the flavors to settle.


Reheating dumplings in an air fryer is an easy and effective way to enjoy delicious and piping hot dumplings. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your dumplings are reheated perfectly every time. Remember to adjust the cooking time and temperature depending on the type of dumpling you are reheating. With the right technique, you can enjoy tasty and crispy dumplings that are just as good as the original.


How Long Should I Reheat Dumplings In An Air Fryer?

The reheating time for dumplings in an air fryer may vary depending on the size and type of dumplings, but on average it takes about 5-6 minutes at 375°F.

Can I Reheat Frozen Or Refrigerated Dumplings In An Air Fryer?

Yes, air fryers are great for reheating both frozen and refrigerated dumplings. Just make sure to thaw frozen dumplings before reheating to ensure even cooking.

Do I Need To Add Oil To The Air Fryer When Reheating Dumplings?

No, there is no need to add oil when reheating dumplings in an air fryer as they will already have oil from the initial cooking.

How Do I Prevent My Dumplings From Getting Soggy During Reheating In The Air Fryer?

To avoid sogginess, make sure to spread out the dumplings in a single layer in the air fryer basket and avoid overcrowding. Also, consider adding a small amount of water to the basket before reheating to create steam and help keep the dumplings moist.

Can I Reheat All Types Of Dumplings In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can reheat any type of dumplings in an air fryer, such as steamed, boiled, or fried dumplings. Just make sure to adjust the cooking time according to the type of dumplings.