[FULL GUIDE] How To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

Enjoying leftover pizza is a guilty pleasure that many of us can’t resist. However, microwaving it often results in a soggy crust and rubbery cheese, while using the oven can take longer than desired. Fortunately, an air fryer provides an efficient and effective way to reheat leftover pizza while retaining its original texture and flavor.

Quick Answer: How To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is a simple and convenient process. Firstly, preheat the air fryer for a few minutes at a moderate temperature. Then, place the pizza slices in the air fryer basket or on the air fryer tray in a single layer. Reheat the pizza at a specific temperature for a particular duration, ensuring it’s heated evenly. Once the pizza is reheated, remove it from the air fryer and savor the delectable, crispy slices.

When Not To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

While an air fryer is a fantastic option for reheating pizza, there are some scenarios when it might not be the best choice. If the crust has become too hard or the pizza has been in the refrigerator for an extended period, it may not reheat well in an air fryer. Additionally, if the pizza has excessive toppings or a very delicate crust, it might not retain its original texture when reheated in the air fryer.

Best Temperature To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

The optimal temperature for reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer typically ranges between 350°F to 400°F (175°C to 200°C), depending on the thickness of the crust and the quantity of toppings. This temperature range ensures that the pizza is reheated thoroughly without burning it. Adjusting the temperature based on the pizza’s specific characteristics can result in a perfectly reheated slice with a crispy crust and melty cheese.

Best Cooking Time To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

The ideal cooking time for reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer usually varies between 3 to 6 minutes. Thinner slices might require a shorter duration, while thicker slices with more toppings may need a slightly longer time. Monitor the pizza closely towards the end of the cooking time to prevent overcooking and ensure that each slice is heated evenly.

The air fryer is an excellent kitchen appliance for reheating leftover pizza, providing a quick and efficient method to enjoy delicious, crispy slices. By following the recommended temperature and cooking time guidelines, you can relish the flavors of your favorite pizza without compromising on its texture or taste. Whether it’s a classic margherita or a loaded supreme, the air fryer offers a convenient solution to satisfy your pizza cravings, making it a valuable addition to any pizza lover’s culinary arsenal.

How To Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

Pizza is a popular favorite among many people and leftovers are often enjoyed the next day. However, reheating leftover pizza can sometimes be a challenge. Traditional methods such as using the microwave can result in soggy crusts and unevenly heated slices. Thankfully, there is another option – using an air fryer.

Air fryers have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to cook food using hot air circulation. They can be used for various cooking tasks, including reheating leftovers.

Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is a simple process. Follow these steps to achieve perfectly reheated pizza slices:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Start by preheating your air fryer to around 350°F (175°C). This will ensure that the pizza slices heat up evenly and quickly.

  2. Arrange the pizza slices: Place the leftover pizza slices in a single layer inside the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding the basket, as this can prevent proper heat circulation.

  3. Reheat at a low temperature: Set the air fryer to a lower temperature, usually between 300°F to 325°F (150°C to 165°C). This slower reheating process will allow the pizza to heat up thoroughly without burning the crust.

  4. Reheat for a few minutes: Reheat the pizza slices for 3 to 4 minutes, checking on them periodically. The exact time may vary depending on the thickness of the pizza crust and the toppings. Keep an eye on the slices to avoid overcooking or burning them.

  5. Adjust the temperature if needed: If the pizza crust isn’t crispy enough after the initial reheating, you can increase the temperature slightly and cook for an additional minute or two. Be cautious not to increase the temperature too much, as this may lead to dry and overcooked pizza.

  6. Remove and enjoy: Once the pizza slices are heated to your liking and the crust is crispy, remove them from the air fryer basket. Allow them to cool for a minute or two before digging in, as the cheese and toppings may still be hot.

Should I Reheat Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

Using an air fryer to reheat leftover pizza offers several advantages over traditional methods such as the microwave or oven. Here are some reasons why you should consider using an air fryer for reheating pizza:

  1. Retains crispiness: Unlike the microwave, which can often make the crust soggy, an air fryer helps retain the crispiness of the crust. The hot air circulation in the air fryer ensures that the crust becomes crispy without drying out the pizza.

  2. Evenly reheats the whole slice: The air fryer’s convection heat evenly reheats the entire slice of pizza, ensuring that both the crust and the toppings are heated thoroughly. This eliminates the risk of having a hot center and cold edges, which can happen with microwaving or traditional oven reheating.

  3. Saves time: Reheating pizza in an air fryer is quick and efficient. The hot air circulation reduces the overall reheating time, allowing you to enjoy your reheated slice of pizza in just a few minutes.

  4. Versatile and multipurpose: Air fryers are not limited to reheating pizza. They can also be used for cooking a wide range of other foods, such as french fries, chicken wings, and even baking desserts. Investing in an air fryer provides you with a versatile cooking appliance that can be used for various tasks.

  5. Energy-efficient: Air fryers are generally more energy-efficient compared to traditional ovens. Reheating pizza slices in an air fryer requires less power and takes less time, resulting in lower energy consumption.

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Though air frying offers many benefits, it’s important to note that the texture of reheated pizza in an air fryer may be different compared to freshly baked pizza. The crust may be crispier, and the cheese and toppings may have a slightly different texture. However, many people find these differences enjoyable and prefer the result that the air fryer produces.

Best Ways To Reheat Leftover Pizza

While reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is an excellent option, there are a few additional techniques you can use to further enhance the reheating process. Here are some of the best ways to achieve even better results:

  1. Use a parchment or silicone liner: Placing a piece of parchment paper or a silicone liner in the air fryer basket before adding the pizza slices can help prevent them from sticking to the basket. It also makes cleaning the air fryer easier afterward.

  2. Elevate the pizza slices: Consider using a wire rack or placing the pizza on a piece of aluminum foil scrunched into a ring shape to elevate the pizza slices slightly. This prevents direct contact with the heated metal of the air fryer basket and allows hot air to circulate underneath the pizza as well, resulting in even crispier crusts.

  3. Sprinkle some water: Adding a small amount of water to the air fryer basket before reheating the pizza can help create steam, which can prevent the toppings from drying out. This technique is particularly useful when reheating pizza slices with a lot of cheese.

  4. Reheat in two steps: If you’re dealing with a thick-crust pizza or slices with dense toppings, consider reheating them in two steps. Start with a lower temperature for a few minutes to ensure the center of the slice heats up, then increase the temperature for an additional minute or two to achieve a crispy crust.

  5. Add extra toppings: If you find that your reheated pizza slices are lacking in flavor, consider adding some extra toppings. You could sprinkle some grated cheese, black olives, or fresh herbs onto the pizza slices before reheating them. This will enhance the flavors and make the reheated pizza feel like a fresh meal.

  6. Store leftovers properly: The quality of reheated pizza greatly depends on how it was stored. Ensure that you refrigerate leftover pizza promptly and store it in an airtight container or wrapped tightly with plastic wrap. This helps retain the pizza’s freshness and prevents it from drying out, resulting in better reheating results.

What Reheating In Air Fryer Does To The Leftover Pizza

Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer can transform the texture and taste of the pizza. Here’s what happens to the different components of the pizza when reheated using an air fryer:

  1. Crust: The air fryer’s hot air circulation helps bring back the crispy texture of the pizza crust. The reheating process in the air fryer allows the crust to regain its crispiness without becoming overly dry or burnt.

  2. Cheese: When reheating pizza with cheese in an air fryer, the cheese melts and becomes gooey and slightly caramelized. The hot air efficiently melts the cheese, bringing out its flavors and giving it a satisfying texture.

  3. Toppings: Reheating the toppings in an air fryer helps revive their flavors. The hot air circulating around the pizza slices evenly heats the toppings, enhancing their taste and bringing back some of their original texture.

  4. Overall texture: Reheating pizza in an air fryer results in a drier texture compared to the freshly baked pizza. The air fryer’s circulating hot air removes moisture from the pizza, making the crust crispier and the toppings slightly less moist. However, this altered texture is often preferred by those who enjoy the combination of crispy crust and gooey cheese.

  5. Flavor: Reheating pizza in an air fryer helps to enhance the flavors of the pizza. The hot air evenly heats the pizza, allowing the flavors of the toppings and cheese to meld together. The crust also gains an extra depth of flavor as it becomes crispy.

It’s worth noting that the exact changes to the leftover pizza’s texture and flavor will depend on factors such as the thickness of the crust, the type of toppings, and the specific air fryer being used. Experimenting with different temperatures and times may help you find your preferred level of crispiness and texture.

Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is a great way to enjoy a quick, crispy, and evenly heated slice. The hot air circulation of the air fryer helps preserve the crispiness of the crust and brings out the flavors of the cheese and toppings. With the right temperature and cooking time, you can achieve delicious results that rival freshly baked pizza.

Using an air fryer to reheat leftover pizza offers several advantages over other methods such as the microwave or traditional oven. The air fryer retains the crispness of the crust, ensures even reheating, saves time, is versatile for other cooking tasks, and is energy-efficient.

By following the recommended steps and implementing additional techniques such as using liners, elevating the pizza slices, and reheating in two steps, you can further enhance the reheating process and achieve the perfect slice of reheated pizza.

It's important to note that the texture and flavor of reheated pizza in an air fryer may differ from freshly baked pizza. However, many people appreciate the crispy crust and slightly altered texture that the air fryer delivers.

So, the next time you have leftover pizza, consider using an air fryer to reheat it. You'll be rewarded with a delicious slice that satisfies your cravings and rivals the taste of a freshly delivered pizza.

Can You Restore The Initial Quality Of Leftover Pizza?

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a fresh slice of pizza, but what do you do when you have some delicious leftovers? Reheating pizza can be a difficult task, as traditional reheating methods like microwaving can leave the crust soggy and the toppings rubbery. However, one kitchen appliance has gained popularity for its ability to revive leftover pizza to its former glory – the air fryer.

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Air fryers have become a versatile and essential appliance in many kitchens. They use hot air circulation to crisp up food, giving it a texture similar to deep frying but without the excessive use of oil.

Before we delve into the methods for reheating pizza in an air fryer, it’s important to understand whether it is possible to restore the initial quality of leftover pizza. While reheating pizza won’t magically transform it into a freshly baked pie, using an air fryer can help to preserve its texture and flavor.

One of the key factors that determine the success of reheating pizza is the crust. Traditional reheating methods like microwaving can leave the crust soggy and unappetizing. However, the hot air circulation in an air fryer helps to replicate the original crispy texture of the crust, making it a superior choice for restoring leftover pizza.

Additionally, using an air fryer allows you to control the cooking temperature and time more precisely than other methods, ensuring that the pizza is heated thoroughly and evenly. This helps to maintain the quality and taste of the toppings, preventing them from becoming rubbery or overcooked.

Tips For Optimal Reheating Results

To achieve the best results when reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer, consider the following tips:

  1. Preheat the air fryer: Preheating the air fryer for a few minutes before placing the pizza inside helps to ensure even heating and crispiness. Set the temperature to around 350°F (175°C) and let it preheat for 2-3 minutes.

  2. Place the pizza directly in the air fryer: Instead of using any additional trays or accessories, place the pizza directly on the air fryer basket or rack. This allows for proper circulation of hot air and ensures that the crust becomes crispy.

  3. Don’t overcrowd the air fryer: Ensure that the slices of leftover pizza are placed in a single layer without overlapping. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly around each slice, resulting in consistent reheating.

  4. Adjust the temperature and cooking time: The optimal temperature and cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the crust and the toppings. Start by setting the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and reheat the pizza for 3-4 minutes. Adjust the time as needed until the pizza reaches your desired level of crispiness.

  5. Use foil for thin and delicate toppings: If your leftover pizza has thin or delicate toppings that may burn or dry out during reheating, you can cover them with a piece of aluminum foil. This helps to protect the toppings while allowing the crust to become crispy.

  6. Monitor the reheating process: Keep an eye on the pizza while it is in the air fryer to prevent it from overcooking or burning. You can open the air fryer occasionally to check the progress and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

  7. Add moisture if needed: If you find that the pizza has become slightly dry after reheating, you can add a sprinkle of water or a few drops of olive oil to restore some moisture. This can revive the flavors and prevent the pizza from being overly dry.

Reheating Leftover Pizza More Than Once

Sometimes, you may find yourself with leftover pizza that has already been reheated once before. While it is generally safe to reheat leftover pizza multiple times, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

If the pizza has been stored properly in the refrigerator and has not been left at room temperature for an extended period, reheating it again should not pose a significant health risk. However, the quality of the pizza may diminish with each reheating, as the toppings can become dry and the crust may lose its crispiness.

To minimize the impact of multiple reheats, it is essential to follow the tips mentioned earlier, such as preheating the air fryer, not overcrowding it, and adjusting the temperature and cooking time accordingly. Keep in mind that the crust may not reach the same level of crispiness as when it was freshly baked.

If you find that the pizza has become too dry or is not as enjoyable after multiple reheats, consider repurposing it into a different dish, such as pizza quesadillas or a pizza casserole. This can breathe new life into the leftovers and prevent them from going to waste.

Safety Measures When Reheating Leftover Pizza

While reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is generally safe and can yield delicious results, it’s important to take some safety measures to ensure the food remains safe to consume.

  1. Refrigeration: Properly store leftover pizza in the refrigerator within two hours of being cooked. This helps to prevent the growth of bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses. It is recommended to consume refrigerated leftover pizza within 3-4 days.

  2. Thawing frozen pizza: If you have frozen leftover pizza that you want to reheat in the air fryer, make sure to thaw it in the refrigerator overnight. This ensures even reheating and prevents the pizza from becoming soggy or undercooked.

  3. Check for spoilage: Before reheating leftover pizza, inspect it for any signs of spoilage, such as an off odor or visible mold. If you notice any signs of spoilage, discard the pizza immediately as consuming spoiled food can lead to food poisoning.

  4. Reheat to the proper temperature: When reheating leftover pizza, ensure that the internal temperature reaches at least 165°F (74°C) to kill any bacteria that may be present. Use a food thermometer to check the temperature, particularly if the pizza has thick or meaty toppings.

  5. Avoid cross-contamination: When handling leftover pizza, wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching it. This helps to prevent the spread of bacteria to other surfaces or foods.

By following these safety measures, you can enjoy reheated pizza without compromising your health.

Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer is a fantastic way to restore its initial quality and enjoy it as if it were just out of the oven. The hot air circulation in the air fryer helps to revive the crispiness of the crust and maintain the flavors of the toppings. By following the tips provided, you can achieve optimal results when reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer.

Remember to preheat the air fryer, place the pizza directly in the air fryer basket, adjust the temperature and cooking time, and monitor the reheating process. If you have leftover pizza that has already been reheated once, take extra care to ensure proper reheating while minimizing the impact on quality.

Lastly, always prioritize safety when handling leftover pizza. Follow the recommended refrigeration guidelines, check for spoilage, reheat to the proper temperature, and avoid cross-contamination.

With these tips and precautions in mind, you can enjoy delicious reheated pizza that tastes almost as good as the day it was made.

Adjusting Reheating Times

Reheating leftover pizza can be a hit or miss. While microwaving can make it soggy and reheating in the oven may result in uneven heating, the air fryer can be a great solution.

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Different pizza types and sizes require different reheating times. Here are the general reheating times for different pizza sizes:

  • Small pizza: 3-4 minutes at 350°F
  • Medium pizza: 4-5 minutes at 350°F
  • Large pizza: 5-7 minutes at 350°F

It’s important to note that these times are just general estimates, and you may need to adjust the temperature and time based on the thickness of the crust, toppings, and cheese. The best way to determine the ideal reheating time is to observe the pizza during the reheating process.

Avoiding Common Mistakes In Air Fryer Reheating

Avoid the following mistakes to prevent further damage to the leftover pizza:

Reheating At A High Temperature

Reheating at a high temperature can burn the crust and make the cheese melt unevenly. It can also make the toppings lose their crispiness.

Not Preheating The Air Fryer

Preheating the air fryer is critical in getting the best results. This helps the air fryer maintain a steady temperature, cooking the pizza evenly.

Reheating For Too Long

Reheating for too long can make the pizza too crisp and dry. It can also cause the toppings to burn and become inedible.

Not Lining The Basket

Lining the basket with parchment paper prevents the pizza from sticking to the basket and makes it easier to clean up.

Crowding The Basket

Crowding the basket can result in uneven heating. It’s recommended to reheat one or two slices at a time to get the best results.

Tips And Tricks To Reheating Leftover Pizza In Air Fryer

Follow these tips and tricks to get the best results when reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer:

Place The Pizza On Parchment Paper

Placing the pizza on parchment paper helps prevent it from sticking to the basket and makes the cleaning process easier.

Preheat The Air Fryer

Preheat the air fryer for at least three minutes before placing the pizza inside. This allows the air fryer to reach the desired temperature, making the cooking process more efficient.

Adjust The Temperature And Time

Adjust the temperature and time based on the thickness of the crust, toppings, and cheese. It’s better to reheat the pizza at a lower temperature and extend the cooking time, which will result in a better quality pizza.

Add Water To The Basket

Adding water to the basket helps prevent the crust from becoming too dry during reheating. Simply add a tablespoon of water to the basket before putting the pizza inside.

Reheat One Or Two Slices At A Time

Reheating one or two slices at a time allows for even heating and helps prevent overcrowding. This results in a crispy and evenly heated pizza.

Sprinkle Parmesan Cheese Before Reheating

Sprinkling some freshly grated Parmesan cheese before reheating adds some extra flavor. The cheese will melt and create a crispy texture, making the pizza even more delicious.

Use A Pizza Stone

If you have a pizza stone, you can use it to reheat the pizza in the air fryer. This will result in a crispy crust and evenly heated pizza.


Reheating leftover pizza in an air fryer can result in a delicious and crispy pizza, as long as you avoid common mistakes and follow the tips and tricks mentioned above. Remember to preheat the air fryer, adjust the temperature and time based on the pizza type, and avoid overcrowding the basket. With proper reheating, you can enjoy your leftover pizza just like it was fresh from the oven.


Can I Reheat Leftover Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Yes, an air fryer is a great option for reheating leftover pizza. It can help retain the original crispy texture of the pizza crust.

How Do I Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer?

Preheat your air fryer to 350°F, place the pizza slices in the air fryer basket, and cook for 3-4 minutes. For larger or thicker slices, increase the cooking time by 1-2 minutes.

Do I Need To Preheat The Air Fryer Before Reheating Pizza?

Yes, it is recommended to preheat the air fryer to ensure the pizza slices are evenly heated throughout and avoid a soggy crust.

Can I Put Pizza Directly In The Air Fryer Without A Basket?

It is best to place the pizza on a basket or a perforated parchment paper to allow hot air to circulate around the slices. This will result in a crispier reheated pizza.

How Many Times Can I Reheat Pizza In An Air Fryer?

It is generally not recommended to reheat pizza more than once in an air fryer as it can result in a dry and overcooked crust. It is best to reheat only the amount of pizza you intend to eat in one sitting.